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  Drov said:
You all sure this isn't Cutout in PS and just altered a tad?

Why would anyone assume that?

I think it's a great job, but the light reflections on the bumper could have been handled a little better. What would be cool is if you posted the original image, so we could see the original and vector side-by-side ;)

To those asking how the image was made:

The base image was opened in Photoshop. I drew each solid colour area with the polygon selection tool and filled it with the paint bucket or gradient tool. Repeat till the whole image is "vectorised". Not sure how the pros do it, maybe there's a much easier way out, but this process took the life out of me. No more vector work, EVER!

To the 1280x1024 requests:

As this isn't a true vector image (it's all rasters in the .PSD), so I can't upsize it without quality loss. Sorry.

To the cut-out accusations:

You can try to modify the "cut-out"ed image to something like this. Gonna take lots of work still.

To the "please do this for other cars" requests:

As stated above, I have had enough of vectors. Not going to spend 5 hours on such stuff anymore (I hope).

Thanks for your feedback! 5 hours of my life were not spent in vain.

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