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"Here Comes The Boom" is one of those movies (originally a theatrical film) that looks familiar for a reason - it IS familiar.  It's actually a cross between "The Principal" (a previous theatrical DRAMA, but starring James Belushi - an actor known mostly for physical comedies, and son of the late John of SNL and "Animal House" fame) and the old (black-and-white no less) "Three Stooges" shorts (with Moe, Larry, and Curly - specifically a short where the Stooges (with Curly in the ring) take on prize-fighting for a "good cause".  The star is no stranger to physical comedy (Kevin James of the "Mall Cop" films); again, just as Belushi fils was no stranger to the same.  The victim this go-round is no less than the UFC (if not MMA in general) - along with almost every target they can think of that isn't Donald Trump (teacher tenure, politics in the same, etc., comes in for a real shelling, as does ESL, citizenship-prep classes - which DO exist, and are a standby in adult-education classes at the high-school level.


Does it Bring The Boom?  Does It Ever!


Yes; it's old-school (I pointed out where it came from in the previous paragraph), and a LOT of sacred cows get gored; however, it's no less fun.  It isn't a "message" or "political" movie per se at all; if anything, it could be called a "chick flick" or "feel good" movie.  What I find hilarious is that the UFC actually LETS itself be pilloried (who says that Dana White has no sense of humor?).  Despite that you can see ther setups coming from half the ring away, you'll find yourself cheering James' character (a much-overworked school teacher by day, MMA fighter nights) on as he brings that whole CASE of boom to unsuspecting opponents (all the while managing to successfully woo his love interest (no less than Maria Conchita-Alonzo from "It Could Happen To You" fame) ) It's part of FX on-demand offer sheet currently (after on-demand stints elsewhere, including Amazon).


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