February desktops

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You know the routine :ninja:

February Desktops - 2004

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  • If you plan to img-embed your desktop, please try to keep it at/under 1024x768 and under 100k (It's recommended that you link it, externally)
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  • In the interests of keeping the thread on topic it is strongly urged that you format your posts in the following order:
  • Visual Style: Name/where you got it(with link would be nice)
  • Wallpaper: Name/where you got it(with link would be nice)
  • Icons: Name/where you got it(with link would be nice)
  • Programs: Name/where you got it(with link would be nice)


Theme is Opus OS with a modded Deep colour scheme, wallpaper is made from an illustration called Kvinna Eller Rav. Click the thumbnail for the full view:


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what was wrong with https://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=137027 ? I was just about to post mine.

And now for the Second time:

Windows Classic for the most functionality, the only thing that is customised is that I added a deskband with an icon of a set of keys next to the clock that locks the workstation (%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation)


Edited by SMG
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wallpaper is made from an illustration called Kvinna Eller Rav.

Where did you get that illustration Dazzla??

"Kvinna Eller R?v" means Woman or fox in swedish.

Edited by iller
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Very nice lookin there Couch Potato...

Most of this stuff is pretty obvious, but...

VS: Reluna by Bant

Winamp: Reluna by KoL (modded)

Trillian: Reluna Trillian by me

Icons: GANT/GANT2 by Mattahan

Wallpaper: a lonesome fisherman at monash county by Florian

Click for Full


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theme: by me (not releasing)

wallpaper: by me (original on deviantart somewhere)

icons: mostly default (with some custom xpish ones)

cursor: fedora (found on neowin by dazzla)

apps: itunes, adobe photoshop cs, avedesk


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Thanks Nazgul, for the record:

VS:: Opus Os by b0se.

Icons:: Fedora

MP9:: Dynamine Olive by Dazzla [closed atm]

MSN:: Standard

Wall: Don't know who made it. :blush:

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