February desktops

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<a href='http://www.pleonastic.com/ss/02/tn_05m.jpg' target='_blank'>http://www.pleonastic.com/ss/02/tn_05m.jpg</a>


<a href='http://www.pleonastic.com/ss/02/tn_05.jpg' target='_blank'>http://www.pleonastic.com/ss/02/tn_05.jpg</a>

Dude, that is one fine ass Mac desktop! One question though, it looks like you have tons of dock icons, does the dock auto scroll to teh left or right?

Edit: Oh yeah, is it easy to change icons in OSX?

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Can I have a link for the first wall?

Also, what are you watching in the second screenshot?

Yeah that first wall is pretty sweet. As far as what he's watching in the second one, I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say the Linkin Park Live in Texas DVD.

EDIT: I did the dirty work - wallpaper can be found here. It's in .sit format though, so if you can't figure out how to get the jpeg out of it, pm me your email address and I'll send you them.

Edited by traxx
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