Pc Chips M830LR Motherboard Question

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The motherboard is supposed to be compatible with a 1.4 Athlon chip. I installed the chip, started the computer, was able to get to the bios and that was it. Now the computer will start, but won't boot up. No beeps no nothing. Just the cpu fan runs, cd-roms open up, but that it? Checked video card, memory, tried different cpu's(800 duron, 1.1 athlon, 1.4 athlon). Is the power supply blown? Bad motherboard? Thanks.

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A little more infomation would be useful. Test the logic of the motherboard by inducing a fault. Strat the PC up with no memory and listen for the error bleeps, then replace the memory and remove the graphics and you should hear a different error. In my experiance if this test works then the Motherboard is still functioning.. if it fails then you have to start checking from the ground up... remove the motherboard and place it on a book or something Disconnect all the cables and reconect only the needed ones.. Speaker and power usually and try again.. if it still fails.. well.. ... I would say your PSU is OK if the fans are getting power and the CD-ROM then its a good sign.. when they go there is usually smoke or a cracking sound as the CAP's explode.. very cool to watch :-)) or its dead, plain and simple... another simple fault what sometimes stops PC's from reporting errors is connecting IDE cables backwards.. If you have new cables with tags you should'nt be able to do this but older ones without them can be connected backwards and cause this kind of fault.

FYI.. PC Chips are a nightmare of a company and have been prosecuted for selling motherboards running out of spec at least twice to my knowledge.. They sold the SIS 5595 (I think thats the right model number.. the board was the M590) as a PC100 board when it was only actually rated to 75 Mhz FSB.. they O/C'ed it basically.. and man was it unstable.. if you ever have the option DONT buy PC Chips

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