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Graphic Request Thread


Graphic Request Thread

Some basic things to keep in mind

  • Give a good detailed description of what you need
  • if it?s a big assignment, please leave it out of this thread and make contact with someone who is willing to create what you need
  • Don?t post comment?s ?it sucks, can?t you do better, you noob? noob?, it?s free. if you don?t like it don?t take it

Have fun

pGRT part 1GGRT part 2GRT part 2[/url]

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:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

very very very very very very nice:D

i like the 1 with amd logo still maybe u can leave the orange thing in. i really would like to see how u did this thing. if its no problem for u: can i have the spd? i understand if u want to keep it for yourself:)

I'd rather not give you the psd. I have certain techniques i wouldnt want leaked. and if every one downloads it i will be ruined :p

anyways here is the revised sig with larger ATI logo (custom vectored by me :whistle: ) and the regular amd 64 logo. Enjoy :D


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That looks pretty cool a2!

Do you mind sharing the settings you used so the rest of us can learn?



p.s. what do u people think of this? :) I was bored... so blended a couple of photos together, not a great job but i like it :D

Edited by trefaes
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Now let's start with an *ahem*


Ashman, I will do your thing. I will try to make it as 3D and cool as possible :cool:.

Trefaes, thanks man! I will post the PSD and also post the layer styles I used. Nice picture you made Trefaes! (Y)

Starting off with Ashman's request all over

A2 :punk:

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How I made it ?

It was pretty easy...

1) I made a new canvas. A Big One (600x600)

2) I pasted the flag and changed its opacity to between 20%-30%

3) Under the flag layer, I made a new layer and renamed it 'Waves"

4) I put curvy lines with real soft brushes on it

5) I put a Gaussian Blur on the flag. Between 20-40 (depends what size picture is)

6) I copied the Gaussian Blurred Waves layer and made a new canvas

7) I pasted that layer and saved it in a safe place

8) I went back to my old flag canvas. Filter > Distort > Displace

9) The settings I used are:

Horizontal Scale: 10%

Vertical Scale: 10%

Stretch to Fit

Repeat Edge Pixels

(you may want to use your own settings...)

10) I moved the new flag on top of our original flag.

11) Changed the opacity of the main flag layer to 80%. Or whatever you want but make sure you can see the waves :|

12) I sharpened the layer by Filter > Sharpen > Unsharpen Mask

Well, this is my longest post ever. Lol ! :laugh:

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