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Graphic Request Thread


Graphic Request Thread

Some basic things to keep in mind

  • Give a good detailed description of what you need
  • if it?s a big assignment, please leave it out of this thread and make contact with someone who is willing to create what you need
  • Don?t post comment?s ?it sucks, can?t you do better, you noob? noob?, it?s free. if you don?t like it don?t take it

Have fun

pGRT part 1GGRT part 2GRT part 2[/url]

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Was hoping someone could make a sig and avatar for me, mainly related to America's Army ( http://www.americasarmy.com/ )

I don't know, I'm not creative.. just looking for something that looks cool :p


Just another thing lol, possibly adding my sn..

[NW1AD]-=SD=- :D

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Thanks b3n. it was the only link I could think of. :( To see it on other pages you must have an account there.

Edited by DoeJohn531
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i would do it but the only way would be to make the whole banner a link or do a single button link in flash......i hate flash :no:

or even just the logo, and i would make it a clicble banner ect?????

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hey guys I have this group assignment for school. we have to make this "Dracula quilt". Its basically 16 sheets of paper and all the members of my group is responsible for 3. Its not art class, its english, so I don't have to draw these myself, and the teacher told us that we could go find pictures in books and off the internet, so this is by no means cheating. She did say that we could draw them, but I have no artistic talent, and I have no clue how to use any paint program besides MSPaint

I have to find 3 pictures dealing with Vampires. I am responsible for specific scenes, and I need them by Sunday night so that I have time to print them and paste them onto the paper we're using. I have googled and so on, but I'm not finding anything close to what I need.

Pic one:

I need a good picture having to do with a scene from the orignal Dracula book depicting good vs evil.

I was thinking about a picture of 5 men all holding crosses and the vampire in the fetal position in a corner.

Pic two:

I need a picture of a woman laying in bed and a doctor giving blood from the man to the woman.

( the woman being Lucy Westerna and the man being Dr. Seward for those of you who know )

Pic three:

I need a picture of a room full of garlic flowers, and a man ( Professor Van Helsing ) placing a wreath of garlic around a woman's ( Lucy ) neck.

If someone provide at least one picture this would help a great deal by far, otherwise I will spend all weekend on google. If you have read the book, and remember it, I am to do:

Pic one: Has to depect the battle between good and evil in Dracula.

Pic two: a picture of Dr.Seward fulfilling a major role in the story.

Pic three: Professor Van Helsing fulfilling a major role in the story.

Thats what I'm supposed to do, so if you remember a difference scene in the book and wish to use your artistic talents to help, I'd appreciate it.

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Hey everyone. Was wondering if anyone was willing to create two logos for me if they have the time. Credit will be given at the bottom of the page. The first one you can be pretty much creative, just as long as it matches the look of the site. It's called Scott's Talk, a opinion and news site here. Then I would like one for my personal blogging site called No Regrets. I want it to look kinda like it was spraypainted on. I would like it to match the color scheme, but maybe also a transparent background so it don't mess with the other styles. Thanks so much in advance!

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Hey everyone. Was wondering if anyone was willing to create two logos for me if they have the time. Credit will be given at the bottom of the page. The first one you can be pretty much creative, just as long as it matches the look of the site. It's called Scott's Talk, a opinion and news site here. Then I would like one for my personal blogging site called No Regrets. I want it to look kinda like it was spraypainted on. I would like it to match the color scheme, but maybe also a transparent background so it don't mess with the other styles. Thanks so much in advance!

Hey. I'd like to help you, but I am on my way out for the moment. I'm going to be in tonight, and I just wanted to reserve a position in case someone else jumps on this opportunity. Look for a post tomorrow with some images.

BTW - What part of PA are you from? I'm from North-western...

f i r s t p a r a d i g m

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Hey. I'd like to help you, but I am on my way out for the moment. I'm going to be in tonight, and I just wanted to reserve a position in case someone else jumps on this opportunity. Look for a post tomorrow with some images.

BTW - What part of PA are you from? I'm from North-western...

f i r s t p a r a d i g m

:huh: You don't "reserve" positions, people just help out, contribute what they can/want. Then the requester can choose which they like best.

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:huh: You don't "reserve" positions, people just help out, contribute what they can/want. Then the requester can choose which they like best.

:yes: way its always been

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Hi ya all!

could someone do me a banner for my website the specs are

black background, 1000x200 with "pspage.co.uk" somewhere on it, if possible as a gif or flash with a clickable link embeded into it. if not just as a .jpg

many thanks


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nice theme wing

you gota gime it when ur done :D

thanks b3n its had 2 skin tht wb using skinstudios free program >.<

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