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Graphic Request Thread


Graphic Request Thread

Some basic things to keep in mind

  • Give a good detailed description of what you need
  • if it?s a big assignment, please leave it out of this thread and make contact with someone who is willing to create what you need
  • Don?t post comment?s ?it sucks, can?t you do better, you noob? noob?, it?s free. if you don?t like it don?t take it

Have fun

pGRT part 1GGRT part 2GRT part 2[/url]

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Heya everybody... I am good in web coding but not in graphic..so I am requesting for your help.. :blush:

Could you help me with the creation of top LOGO for my site..??


it should be something that would match to design of the site and of course topic...something, that is fearful...dark....something in industrial style...

Anyway you can use all photos on my site... Thank You!!

Here is the example..:


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i need two buttons:

1 that is an "add comments button" and one that is a "remove comments" button. These will be used on a webpage and <= 75x50 in size. I was thinking it could look something like the the attached arrows (from my computer dialog in Win XP). The same blue would also be cool and the words "add comments" and "remove comments" would also be ideal.

Thanks in advance for all the help

~the graphically inept


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I am willing to pay someone to design my signature for me too, if they want more details then PM me, the request has been made in this topic and is just up a bit from this post so take a look and PM me if they want to do it for me and we can sort out payment :)



Heya everybody... I am good in web coding but not in graphic..so I am requesting for your help.. 

Could you help me with the creation of top LOGO for my site..??


it should be something that would match to design of the site and of course topic...something, that is fearful...dark....something in industrial style...

Anyway you can use all photos on my site... Thank You!!

Here is the example..:

Hey guys, I am on the beer 2night :cool: but I will do these two requests. ;)


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Number 01. Any donations would be kindly recieved. Thats if you want it. Changes can be made I suspect. My paypal account is: jmann@jmanndesigns.com . But hey. :cool:



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thank you Jmann, i really appreciate would you have done mate, and there is something in your paypal account for doing this for me as well :yes: .

once again thanks mate


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Well what can I say. No problemo people. I will do some more if there are some requests. By the way Wing problems do happen even in the most professional of sites. They happen a lot you know, so dont be so surprised! :D


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I am sorry if I am too late. CrowMac, I made your pics. 3 of them ! Choose the best one. You may use them and if you like them please donate (for my PayPal account, talk to me on MSN). I dont think they are better than JMann's but still gave it a shot.

1st One-


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Nice. Rather large and personally the first one is best and the 3rd is worst. Unsmooth edges. Good work. ;)


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Nice. Rather large and personally the first one is best and the 3rd is worst. Unsmooth edges. Good work. ;)


Thanks JMann, I know its large. The background gradient is not a part of the sig :p

I saw this guy in this IRC chatroom today named J-Mann, was it you ?

IRC Channel: #Scorpio at irc.absoluteirc.com

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Holy **** ! If anybody has heard of www.heathrowe.com, the webmaster joined Neowin today on ym request (I asked him to join. I posted in his shoutbox) and he joined! He is total professional and I wish he comes here and makes pics. I guess he is better than DC :|

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hey the_a2, nice to meet you and look forward to others as well

I'll be dropping by from time to time as I do with other hangouts when not working like a dog

he he - we're all professionals, and judging by your sigs' creations, they are all done quite well

good stuff

look forward to contributing, though it may not always be a sig, but in any way possible for those who deal with Photoshop

And for those who try any of my tutorials and get stuck in any way, by all means don't hesitate to ask for help

happy Photoshopping



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hey the_a2, nice to meet you and look forward to others as well

I'll be dropping by from time to time as I do with other hangouts when not working like a dog

he he - we're all professionals, and judging by your sigs' creations, they are all done quite well

good stuff

look forward to contributing, though it may not always be a sig, but in any way possible for those who deal with Photoshop

And for those who try any of my tutorials and get stuck in any way, by all means don't hesitate to ask for help

happy Photoshopping



lol am a good designer but i didnt make my sig as jules rocks (making a new 1 hehe) any ur site is very cool :p

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heathrowe ur website is a bit of a ###### 2 load up and am on a 512k line its cool and all but far to much images....

keep in mind 56kers

(sorry if tht sounds harsh but i am like tht i aim to please)

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Hi guys, hope this is the right forum.

Looking for a way to make a map, old pirate style.

I have the basic look and texture for it, but what I need is the end where the paper is sort of rolled up.

It will be used in a flash / director animation piece. So the ends will roll out to reveal the map. The angle will be somewhere around 60-70 degrees downward.

Like I said, I have the actual map, just need advice on how to make the 'ends' of it, where it rolls up.

Hope that made sense.



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