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Graphic Request Thread


Graphic Request Thread

Some basic things to keep in mind

  • Give a good detailed description of what you need
  • if it?s a big assignment, please leave it out of this thread and make contact with someone who is willing to create what you need
  • Don?t post comment?s ?it sucks, can?t you do better, you noob? noob?, it?s free. if you don?t like it don?t take it

Have fun

pGRT part 1GGRT part 2GRT part 2[/url]

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K...heres wut i have so far..please comment and change stuff if you want to (not sure ifthis belongs inthis thread anymore)


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Thankyou very much Wing, I dont know which one I like better, I think the first on is the best.

Super_Surge would you be willing to have a go at a logo for me.

[Original Message]

sorry I have NO money to give you, but I hope that people can request for free.

The website logo would need the text Bluephoenix and hopefully a picture of a phoenix positioned somewhere by text , through text etc.

I have absolutely no ideas as I do not seem to have a very artistic eye, any designs would be much appreciated.

Thankyou in advance

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I'd like a sig image that looked like a broken windshield...

Maybe with text that said

"I cut my hands off in the dark and just sat there and bled

While the whole world fell apart inside of my head..."

if any of you photoshop kings could do that :)

Kind of like what I have now, just a better looking broken window... that one sucks.. same size though would be cool

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:) Does anyone have a IE *.ico for ObjectDock that looks like this?

me thinks there is an icon thread for this kinda stuff....

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heres wut i got blue phoenix...the background is really sloppy, but ill giv u the psd so u can make it however u want...i had no idea how to make it fit lbue...?? :blink: :blink:


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Thanks Super-serge, lol, I am now unsure which one to use. By the way was the .psd the same as above image, because the .psd was corrupt.

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Wing, Can you please send me the original file (without text) so that I can play with different texts ? Thankyou in advance.

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Hi guys

Need ya help here...

I'm trying to design a collage of several photos and using it as a side banner(right)...

Having difficulty blending the photos well so that it doesnt look awkward.

Therefore, i need ya to help me design this collage.

additional info:

The banner is around 160x750 pixels.

The color scheme of my site is mainly white and orange(#F8C676)

attached the photos below(choose the suitable ones n don't need to use every photos)


hope at least one of you all can help....

would really appreciate any help/


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ya it was the same..neowin doesnt let u upload psds..i think. if ya want it just ask and ill send it to u through zip lol, now that i look at it in the moring, the bg looks SO bad..you really need to change it. He wing...how'd u make your background; it looks really good.

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ya it was the same..neowin doesnt let u upload psds..i think. if ya want it just ask and ill send it to u through zip lol, now that i look at it in the moring, the bg looks SO bad..you really need to change it. He wing...how'd u make your background; it looks really good.

background for what :blink: lol

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