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Graphic Request Thread


Graphic Request Thread

Some basic things to keep in mind

  • Give a good detailed description of what you need
  • if it?s a big assignment, please leave it out of this thread and make contact with someone who is willing to create what you need
  • Don?t post comment?s ?it sucks, can?t you do better, you noob? noob?, it?s free. if you don?t like it don?t take it

Have fun

pGRT part 1GGRT part 2GRT part 2[/url]

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This is the first time I make something like this, so don't be hard on me :blush:

I don't know if you'll like it, if you don't, just say what I should change.

Personally, I like it, but I don't know if it really suits your request... :pinch:

Oh, and I didn't add a highlight, 'cause I thought it wouldn't really fit in this image...


(the pic came from dA I think, I'm not sure, I found it on my pc :D )

Oh sweet mother of jesus!

Thank you. It's really good.



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Just somthing with colors matching the site, the light green, real clean and simple looking. Mostly white, or light color. I dunno, this is the reason im no good with design, i can never tell what i want, only what i like. Thsi one is nice, i'll probably be adding text liek it to mine later http://www.infinitywebdesign.com/

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Bet you're conting the hours down :whistle:

well put it this way if time were to hurry up i could get stuck into peoples requests so yes i am counting them down :D

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Hope you like it, keep most of the colours the same and a side vector image created just for a laugh. Hope you like it mate!

JMann ;)


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After seeing [saint Dark]'s curent avatar/sig, i've decided i should get a NIN themed one to go along with my NIN-themed name.


Could anyone make me one?

If anyone gets the chance, i'd appreciate it. I'm sure it'll be easy for one of you graphics geniuses - im' just totally inept when it comes to these things.

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes this on!

Avatar Request:

Size: Width 80pixels - Height 80pixels (that's normal right?)

Colors: Black on white background

Images: the favicon.ico image from nin.com, just bigger

Sig Request:

Size: Width 300pixels - Height 80pixels

Colors: Black on white background

Text: "nowimnothing" in there _somewhere_ but i dont' care where - done in the same font/weirdnesses as the text on this page.

Images: the favicon.ico image from nin.com thrown on there wherever looks good.

Edited by nowimnothing
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well put it this way if time were to hurry up i could get stuck into peoples requests so yes i am counting them down :D

Yay, I have to admit you are talented when it comes to making graphics. :D

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Got myself a new ava and sig, what do you think?

(Oh, maybe you won't look like this: ' :huh: ' when I say I'm a girl :rofl: )

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Got myself a new ava and sig, what do you think?

(Oh, maybe you won't look like this: ' :huh: ' when I say I'm a girl :rofl: )

like the avatar and sig

AHHH a girl!!! :cry:

lol :p

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