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Graphic Request Thread


Graphic Request Thread

Some basic things to keep in mind

  • Give a good detailed description of what you need
  • if it?s a big assignment, please leave it out of this thread and make contact with someone who is willing to create what you need
  • Don?t post comment?s ?it sucks, can?t you do better, you noob? noob?, it?s free. if you don?t like it don?t take it

Have fun

pGRT part 1GGRT part 2GRT part 2[/url]

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Not really satisfied with it...

Tell me what I should change. Btw, dat favicon is really small, and I am too lazy to reproduce it ... :blush:


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try doing a couple things here (if its not too hard, i'm trying not to be pushy :) )

1) make my name all lower-case (like it is on the forum)

2) make one of the paragraphs of lyrics sorta run off the right edge of the sig

3) overlap the name on top of the first paragraph of lyrics a bit, so you can't fully see the beginning of the lyrics?

Just suggestions, trying to give you some artistic direction or something, haha

As for the favicon.. yeah.. i know its Tiny... perhaps you could snag something off this page to work with (About 5/6 of the way down the page there are some decent sized NIN logos you could use maybe)?

Not sure, couldn't find anything better...

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1) check

2) don't understand >> could you explain a bit more? My English is ok to understand most of the things posted here, but this I don't understand :D

3) waiting to do this 'till I understand #2

Omg, I feel so stupid...

Oh, and I think I can use an image of that page yes :)

Btw, did you notice that poster of the 'Vooruit' in 'Gent' ? That's like 40 km of my place :woot: :laugh:

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i dunno who edited a pic for me last time.. but it got too complicated so i just cut the original one and used it as my new sig :p

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2) don't understand >> could you explain a bit more? My English is ok to understand most of the things posted here, but this I don't understand :D

3) waiting to do this 'till I understand #2

Omg, I feel so stupid...

Oh, and I think I can use an image of that page yes :)

Btw, did you notice that poster of the 'Vooruit' in 'Gent' ? That's like 40 km of my place :woot: :laugh:

Heh, don't feel stupid - you're doing me a favor :)

What i meant by the 2nd one was just move one of the paragraphs of lyrics to the right a bit on the image so that some of the text sort of disappears off the right edge of the graphic (as if it had gotten cut off or something).

Does that make more sense?

I have no idea what 'Vooruit' is but that's pretty sweet that they played so close to your place. I've traveled alot further than that to see NIN in action :yes:

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Is toch een andere foto dan die die 'geknipt' moest worden?

klopt :D

but i have like 5 of these pics.. all the same size.. just shot with some different poses :devil:

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i understood enough to find the picture of u :p

haha, same :p

until i looked at your birthdate. then i skulked away to the corner to hide, haha.

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Heh, don't feel stupid - you're doing me a favor :)

What i meant by the 2nd one was just move one of the paragraphs of lyrics to the right a bit on the image so that some of the text sort of disappears off the right edge of the graphic (as if it had gotten cut off or something).

Does that make more sense?

I have no idea what 'Vooruit' is but that's pretty sweet that they played so close to your place. I've traveled alot further than that to see NIN in action :yes:

That I understood! :cool:

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lol, no offense. as a 20something adult in the working world i get alot of weird comments and accusations for being a NIN fan :)

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I' m not sure about that logo in the lower left corner, just an idea...

sweet, now we're getting there.

one more request... would it be possible to split up the two paragraphs of lyrics so that one of them was pushed more to the right than the other? Preferably moving the 2nd paragraph more to the right, creating a bit of a hanging indentation effect?

out of curiosity, are you using photoshop for this (and the other things i've seen you do on here) or are you using some other tools?

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lol, no offense. as a 20something adult in the working world i get alot of weird comments and accusations for being a NIN fan 

What kind of accusations?

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sweet, now we're getting there.

one more request... would it be possible to split up the two paragraphs of lyrics so that one of them was pushed more to the right than the other? Preferably moving the 2nd paragraph more to the right, creating a bit of a hanging indentation effect?

out of curiosity, are you using photoshop for this (and the other things i've seen you do on here) or are you using some other tools?

No problemo! Ay ay sir! :D

Yes, I'm using photoshop, I started using it about a year ago, and finally I'm able to create something decent with it :rofl:

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What kind of accusations?

the same ones people made when i was a 15 year old that liked NIN :)

asking if i'm Goth, asking where my black makeup is, that sorta stuff.

just general immature stuff that you'd expect in High School but wouldn't necessarily expect in the real world... (somehow it didn't happen while i was in college...)

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No problemo! Ay ay sir! :D

you make it sound like i'm being pushy :p

i'm not trying to be pushy, if i am just tell me to back off :yes:

(huh. i think the last time i said that to a 16 year old girl it was a totally different situation... :whistle: )

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I played with the open spaces a bit, while surfing his website, I noticed he doesn't like symmetry and stuff, so...

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I like it :)

Maybe for the avatar, just make an 80x80 (that's normal size right?) plain white with that NIN logo stuck in the bottom left corner the same way?

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you make it sound like i'm being pushy :p

i'm not trying to be pushy, if i am just tell me to back off :yes:

(huh. i think the last time i said that to a 16 year old girl it was a totally different situation... :whistle: )

No! Not at all! I'm just very active and zealous atm :D

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