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Graphic Request Thread


Graphic Request Thread

Some basic things to keep in mind

  • Give a good detailed description of what you need
  • if it?s a big assignment, please leave it out of this thread and make contact with someone who is willing to create what you need
  • Don?t post comment?s ?it sucks, can?t you do better, you noob? noob?, it?s free. if you don?t like it don?t take it

Have fun

pGRT part 1GGRT part 2GRT part 2[/url]

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Trefaes, you like my style, don't you :p ;)

Hehe, you've noticed my sig then!

Yeah your style is great :D You don't mind that I've been 'inspired' do you? :)

What do you all think of my new designs? (They're all very unfinished :D )

http://www.hamsterscantfly.co.uk/4d/ << My new to-be webdesign/graphics etc. portfolio

http://www.hamsterscantfly.co.uk/rockllyn/ << Site for a big gig down here in the summer.

There's a few more in progress :)


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Hehe, you've noticed my sig then!

Yeah your style is great :D You don't mind that I've been 'inspired' do you? :)

No not at all! I'm flattered actually :)


Whoa! Those websites are great! Love the designs! I especially like that 4th dimension one, it intrigues me :p

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You are welcome :)

Btw, feeling sooooooo *proud* :blush: :happy:

as you should. your stuff is great.

i'm gathering up all the past sigs/avis i can find (so far i can only find 3 sets, including the ones you just made for me) to make a page kinda like forster's where he shows all of his past ones, and i'll be sure to give you credit for making my current one.

what you did for jmann looks great too!

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Thx nowimnothing, I really appreciate it :)


I have been working on your request, but I haven't found the 'perfect' pictures yet.

Don't worry, I'll make something...

But...! I don't know if I'm going to work on it tomorrow, exams are coming up, and I really need to start studying! (just 1 week left! :unsure: ) Plus, I want to start reading The Silmarillion, and that takes time too of course :laugh: )

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yes people it is that time again i am going a.w.o.l. will be handling v.i.p requests only

- will drop in form time to time

-when i get back i will pick up my work

(i will come back and help :rofl: )

Tiekenei if you read the other graphic request threads you will notice i do this alot

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The Alan Partridge design is a seperate project and you're very welcome to help out on that. I'm sure an extra pair of hands wouldnt go a miss :happy:

I'm going to forget the watermark request, it seems beyond anybody. I'll just have to whip up something myself. What I wouldnt mind though is something I could use as the sites trademark. Like a little swish with an image or something like that. In PSD format so it can be used on the banner, graphics and in advertising the site, as well as on wallpapers and various other things. Again I'd like this in impact as the show the site is based upon uses that font. I could easily post the DVD covers (posted them a couple of pages back along with an image pack). Just let me know if you think you could help :D

Ok thought I'd give a little information about this request and make things a little clearer. I'm after a watermark I can use for the site. Similar to a circle with the sites name in it, that I can use for logos and stuff. On a transparent background if possible, maybe using a picture from that image pack I provided. Hope somebody can help :)

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Could someone make me a sig up please. All I am looking for is a png with the text in the middle with transparent background. The text to look like hair. Same colours and style as the attached pic.

If it's not to much bother could I also request one as a png with a plain white background.

size 500x95

Text to read:

The Shaggie Man

Thanks in advance

Could you try to make me one :)

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I need help with two graphics. I want to put two graphics together to make one. I also need it to have a transparent background if anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it!



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What exactly do you want done? How do you want the two images put together? We need much more details :D


First, get rid of the white background. Secondly, take the N powered logo and put it ... somewhere, doesn't matter (whatever looks best to you'll). And that's it really :huh:

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only joking :):)

I requested one a couple of posts up could you try and make it for me PWEEESE :)

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Yeah, I know.. Sorry..

But I have a great excuse: exams... :x

Can't help it, I really have to study... But the most difficult thing is not to push that powerbutton on my laptop... :p

I'm off again...


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