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Graphic Request Thread


Graphic Request Thread

Some basic things to keep in mind

  • Give a good detailed description of what you need
  • if it?s a big assignment, please leave it out of this thread and make contact with someone who is willing to create what you need
  • Don?t post comment?s ?it sucks, can?t you do better, you noob? noob?, it?s free. if you don?t like it don?t take it

Have fun

pGRT part 1GGRT part 2GRT part 2[/url]

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On a completely separate note can someone get hold of (or create) a high res (1000px high) version of the Kingdom Hospital logo?


http://www.kingdomhospitalofmaine.com/ - Top left.



Any sort of raster or vector would be great. Red logo on a white background please! :D Or if you can somehow lasso/magic wand select the logo and blow it up from the website logo :) Would be great :yes:

Cheers! :woot:

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I am going to give some more details for mine. I would like Ibrahimivich,, Owen and Henry in it and anything else cool. It has to have my name and has to be soccer.


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david sig crap yes might work on later am busy now

I am willing to wait but I this want to know if anyone can repon, if they will get to it? or something like that so I know you guys still going to work on another one for me :yes: :yes: :rolleyes: :woot: :blink: :wacko: :yes: :yes: :shifty: :ninja: :o :D thanks :p :D

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:sleep: [attatched pic of Kingdom Hospital logo]

WOWOW! Thankyou... a LOT!! How did you do that? A vector?

Seriously man, that's perfect. Awesome!! :woot:

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Im working on a invision skin for a friend, but I suck at buttons and thats all thats really left. I would appreciate it if someone could make me some nice ones to match it. the test board for the skin is at http://www.station51.net/~ctnchris/board/index.php?act=idx

Looking at it I need: New Topic, New Poll, Reply, Topic Closed, Quick Reply for the big ones and then report, edit, quote, aim, yahoo, msn, www, the contact card and go to top icon, e-mail, pm. I think (and hope) thats it. Would appreciate this very much

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yep, 2 minutes of vector

Can you fix it up a bit please? The two bits taht go to the bottom should overlap each other to give a more pointed look. That'd be cool :)

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photoshop or macromedia freehand or adobe illuisrator (lmao i cant spell it :pinch: )

Is corel draw better than them? I was recommended that.

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OK, more demands *ah-hem..* requests... I could do with some fruit vectors. :) In a similar style to the ASO orange. All clean and light, bright, slightly glassy and sweet! :D I need an apple, grapes and a kiwi fruit. More will be requested later. Cheers! :D

Oh, about 50x50px each please! :yes:

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I need a logo done, I hope one of you really good graphic designers could design something for my website (http://www.gciws.com/) It must fit in the top image and the colors must be similar to the website. If you need more details let me know. BTW I think it's great you all are desiging these graphics for free for other people.

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Hmmm... maybe I should have drawn a picture.

That's not right though, Noodles second attempt was closer, the first one looks like the point at the bottom was missing completely (see illustr)

(Not that I could have done any better, and probably not a good idea for my first post in here, but what the hell :p )

You guys do some great work, and if one day I'm able to create something even remotely as good as the stuff you come up with I'll be a happy man :D


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Hmmm...isnt it supposed to be the exact shape as the logo..cuz the curves at the sides arent supposed to be sharp...and the bottom isnt supposed to be sharp either..just a suggestion tho

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