Star Trek: Picard (CBS All Access)

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On 25/04/2022 at 04:25, foolsfolly said:

Woke...drink! Whenever I see that dog whistle being used it is obvious what it means for a certain group of people. Perhaps you would be more comfortable watching re-runs of Leave it to Beaver so to not offend your sensibilities.


I have been a life long fan of Star Trek. Clearly not a super fan like a couple of people here but still a fan. As I stated, they are looking for new viewers and not rusted on, crusty old people. Deal with it or stop watching, no one is holding a gun to your head.

Yes, I'm a rusted and crusty old person at 33. Instead of insulting me come up with an actual argument. This isn't about being a fan, it's also about terrible writing.


On 25/04/2022 at 05:55, primortal said:

Has there been a Star Trek series or movie that didn't break their own rules or established rules in not making changes to history?


For example, Star Trek The Voyage home

  • Chekov left a Klingon phaser and communicator on a Navy ship

  • Scotty intuitively knew how to use the software on the MAC to create the formula for transparent aluminum and let alone giving that advanced technology back than was a game changer

  • Bones cured an older women of kidney disease

  • The operating room scene with Chekov, Kirk using a phaser to lock the door, the device used to repair Chekov where everyone was able to witness it.  Kirk could have just easily stunned them all and no one would have been the wiser.

  • No one saw Sulu in a Huey lowering down transparent aluminum into a cloaked ship in the park?

  • I'll give a pass on the whaling ship seeing the Bird of Prey decloaking as them just being out in the sea too long.

I'll give you that ToS was a lot looser in its writing. But keep in mind that ToS was written 40+ years ago, only had 3 seasons, and wasn't the smash hit the later television series were. The old movies were often contrived and gimmicky; but they didn't try to be anything they weren't. They didn't ham-fist modern issues into your face constantly because they weren't necessarily about that. They dressed those issues up and made them look alien, but relatable at the same time. New Trek doesn't understand how to even accomplish that because they are writing for the lowest common denominator of viewer.


It's one thing to make mistakes here and there, but in this series there's a laundry list of mistakes.

  • Rios spilling the beans entirely to a border patrol agent.
  • Seven stealing a police car in the middle of downtown L.A.
  • Seven and Raffi teleported out of a car in broad daylight right in front of cops.
  • Seven and Raffi letting a bus of deportees go free (potentially violent criminals).
  • The police officer in France nearly being killed because he could just walk onto their ship without any preventative measures.
  • Rios spilling the beans to the doctor.
  • Rios making the doctor use technology she isn't remotely familiar with because he "trusts" her.
  • Rios then bringing them on his ship and leaving her clinic without anyone to run it?
  • Picard spilling the beans to the FBI agent.

Yeah, there's been plenty of times this happens in other series. But this happens all in the duration of a single storyline. By people who should know better. You want to know how many people "knew" in First Contact? Two... only two people in the entire camp knew who they were and that meant the issue was contained. In this show? The FBI have a file documenting all their antics. They're on the books and the excuse is going to be "well... the FBI is just gonna not say anything" - however that ignores the reality that just because the public doesn't know doesn't mean things won't happen as a consequence of it in the background.


On 25/04/2022 at 05:55, primortal said:
  • That's just stupidity on her part.  Just like it was stupid for Star Fleet to use Borg technology in their ships.  I wouldn't be surprised that Borg Queen from the beginning of the season was Jurati.  Plus, I want to know why they were called Legion.
  • That's who she is.  I don't see how this is a problem with a character who is a narcissist and being called out on it.
  • Love makes people do stupid things.  His and Jarati's relationship left him wanting...
  • You know the whole beaming out will just be brushed off and "you're seeing things" or special effects on a video.  Look at all the stuff being done on TicTok today.
  • Does she really want to repair the timeline or was she just saying that to give them a false sense of helping?  The Borg queen did go back in time in First Contact to try to take over the earth, why not go back earlier and try again?
  1. Star Fleet using Borg tech isn't the issue... they did that in Voyager. The issue is that by the time this show airs, Voyager established why it was safe to do so... they had the technology to completely counter the Borg. But that's completely forgotten here to make the Borg a threat still.
  2. Yes, and it's also why she's the absolute worst character in the show. She serves no purpose other than to distract from everyone else and create fake drama. I was hoping she improved when I saw she was in Star Fleet; but no. Someone like her would never be allowed to remain in Star Fleet with the kind of ###### she pulls on a daily basis.
  3. I almost never buy love stories that span hours of time. They haven't even really been through that much to get to know each other. Their sum total of time spent together isn't even 24 hours and yet they're in love? Yeah, love makes you do stupid things... but the writing doesn't support any of it.
  4. Why didn't they just wait to be beamed out instead (cause Raffi is impatient and stupid)? It would have resulted in the same outcome without having a car chase scene. That's kind of my point, a lot of the scenes in this show do not even remotely contribute to advancing the plot; just side-lining it. The character regularly make no progress, or negative progress, in these episodes. Take the most recent; they literally sat in a room the entire time until Q uncharacteristically decided to spill the beans in yet another exposition dump. Not to mention got a guy fired (it's like everything they do just makes things worse... so far they've not helped at all with anything other than the one good part of the show, Picard's pep talk). 
  5. I doubt she's really interested in saving the timeline. But the borg queen in this is written poorly as well. The whole "you've impressed me" stuff and all that... trying to make Jurati more interesting despite the fact she really has little to no redeeming qualities (and the show repeatedly points that out saying she's "alone in every universe"). The whole Borg plot is dumb, and they consistently get the science wrong; A cell phone batter isn't the same as a car battery. There are hundreds of ways other than random violence to get endorphins... etc.

My issue really is the characters constantly make stupid decisions, aren't very likable, the show has little to no "hope" baked into it. Everyone is just making a mess of things, I've never seen a Picard lead crew be so downright messy about everything and consistently so. They've solved one problem, and created ten or more.

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On 25/04/2022 at 16:47, Emn1ty said:

Yes, and it's also why she's the absolute worst character in the show. She serves no purpose other than to distract from everyone else and create fake drama. I was hoping she improved when I saw she was in Star Fleet; but no. Someone like her would never be allowed to remain in Star Fleet with the kind of ###### she pulls on a daily basis.

I have to say, I find her as likeable as Jar Jar Binks - just a horrendously written, horrendously acted and horrendous character.

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On 25/04/2022 at 16:47, Emn1ty said:

My issue really is the characters constantly make stupid decisions, aren't very likable, the show has little to no "hope" baked into it. Everyone is just making a mess of things, I've never seen a Picard lead crew be so downright messy about everything and consistently so. They've solved one problem, and created ten or more.

One thing Picard has taught me is, now we know why he always stayed on the bridge and Riker did all the hard work! :p


  • Haha 3
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On 25/04/2022 at 11:47, Emn1ty said:

I'll give you that ToS was a lot looser in its writing. But keep in mind that ToS was written 40+ years ago, only had 3 seasons, and wasn't the smash hit the later television series were. The old movies were often contrived and gimmicky; but they didn't try to be anything they weren't. They didn't ham-fist modern issues into your face constantly because they weren't necessarily about that. They dressed those issues up and made them look alien, but relatable at the same time. New Trek doesn't understand how to even accomplish that because they are writing for the lowest common denominator of viewer.

Maybe I lost the explanation here this thread, but what modern issues are they ham-fisting?  Again, it's getting eyes to watch the series and in case you have forgotten we are truly living in a very dumb down society.  So there has to be a balance in keeping die-hard fans and getting new viewers.


On 25/04/2022 at 11:47, Emn1ty said:

It's one thing to make mistakes here and there, but in this series there's a laundry list of mistakes.

  • Rios spilling the beans entirely to a border patrol agent.
  • Seven stealing a police car in the middle of downtown L.A.
  • Seven and Raffi teleported out of a car in broad daylight right in front of cops.
  • Seven and Raffi letting a bus of deportees go free (potentially violent criminals).
  • The police officer in France nearly being killed because he could just walk onto their ship without any preventative measures.
  • Rios spilling the beans to the doctor.
  • Rios making the doctor use technology she isn't remotely familiar with because he "trusts" her.
  • Rios then bringing them on his ship and leaving her clinic without anyone to run it?
  • Picard spilling the beans to the FBI agent.
  • And the cop just laughed at it.  Though I thought he wasn't writing it down for the FBI agent to use.
  • Seven stole the cop car right from the precinct and again a speeding cop car leaving the precinct, who would have batted an eye at that.
  • The beaming out of the cop car was a little odd but unless the cops had body cams or street cams recording it no one is going to believe it.  Don't get me wrong, I did complain to my wife about them beaming out in front of everyone as well.
  • That's just stretching it.
  • Really?  A curious cop stumbles upon something strange and forgets protocol to call for backup?  I lost count how many times I've seen this is movies/shows.
  • Not surprising, love.
  • See above
  • The clinic has nurses and I suspect other doctors as well.
  • Because Guinan gave Picard a door to open and look what happened.

Seriously, you need to put logic outside and play when watching any of this.


On 25/04/2022 at 11:47, Emn1ty said:
  1. Star Fleet using Borg tech isn't the issue... they did that in Voyager. The issue is that by the time this show airs, Voyager established why it was safe to do so... they had the technology to completely counter the Borg. But that's completely forgotten here to make the Borg a threat still.
  2. Yes, and it's also why she's the absolute worst character in the show. She serves no purpose other than to distract from everyone else and create fake drama. I was hoping she improved when I saw she was in Star Fleet; but no. Someone like her would never be allowed to remain in Star Fleet with the kind of ###### she pulls on a daily basis.
  3. I almost never buy love stories that span hours of time. They haven't even really been through that much to get to know each other. Their sum total of time spent together isn't even 24 hours and yet they're in love? Yeah, love makes you do stupid things... but the writing doesn't support any of it.
  4. Why didn't they just wait to be beamed out instead (cause Raffi is impatient and stupid)? It would have resulted in the same outcome without having a car chase scene. That's kind of my point, a lot of the scenes in this show do not even remotely contribute to advancing the plot; just side-lining it. The character regularly make no progress, or negative progress, in these episodes. Take the most recent; they literally sat in a room the entire time until Q uncharacteristically decided to spill the beans in yet another exposition dump. Not to mention got a guy fired (it's like everything they do just makes things worse... so far they've not helped at all with anything other than the one good part of the show, Picard's pep talk). 
  5. I doubt she's really interested in saving the timeline. But the borg queen in this is written poorly as well. The whole "you've impressed me" stuff and all that... trying to make Jurati more interesting despite the fact she really has little to no redeeming qualities (and the show repeatedly points that out saying she's "alone in every universe"). The whole Borg plot is dumb, and they consistently get the science wrong; A cell phone batter isn't the same as a car battery. There are hundreds of ways other than random violence to get endorphins... etc.

My issue really is the characters constantly make stupid decisions, aren't very likable, the show has little to no "hope" baked into it. Everyone is just making a mess of things, I've never seen a Picard lead crew be so downright messy about everything and consistently so. They've solved one problem, and created ten or more.

  1. Don't forget the Borg do evolve and what once worked for Voyager may no longer work now.
  2. Your opinion is fine and for me I like her, and she was in Starfleet working with Piccard and left.  Refresher on her background,
  3. Never heard of love at first sight?
  4. They panicked and were trapped and didn't want to get arrested.  I think the FBI agent was on the way out even before questioning Picard and Guinan.  Q is Q and he's dying supposedly.
  5. She played Jurati like a fiddle and frankly I don't think the Borg queen has been written badly at all.  She was just as manipulative with Data in First Contact.

Let's not forget Q is also messing up the timeline with Soong.


OMG humans acting like humans.  How dare they write them as such.

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On 25/04/2022 at 11:58, Dick Montage said:

I have to say, I find her as likeable as Jar Jar Binks - just a horrendously written, horrendously acted and horrendous character.

See, I find that of Jurati.

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On 25/04/2022 at 18:08, primortal said:

See, I find that of Jurati.

She is more frustrating to me than annoying.  For all the progression that she should have gained through season 1, she seemed to have gone back to recluse and unsure.  It's what I call the "Marvel TV Effect".  Allow me to elaborate:


Using as a reference: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, um... black punchy man....


Season 1 - first few episodes:   Hmmmm, I think I have powers, but no - that's stupid

Season 1 - next few episodes:  Sure does seem like I have powers

Season 1 - midseason:  Damn, I have powers, but how do I use them

Season 1 - next few episodes:  I'm embracing these powers

Season 1 - finale:  Wow, look at me, with these powers, vanquishing the big bad by using my powers


Season 2:  Hmmmm, so do I have powers?

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On 25/04/2022 at 09:44, primortal said:

Maybe I lost the explanation here this thread, but what modern issues are they ham-fisting?  Again, it's getting eyes to watch the series and in case you have forgotten we are truly living in a very dumb down society.  So there has to be a balance in keeping die-hard fans and getting new viewers.

The hamfisting is done by how it's written. The writers haven't a clue what an allegory is. They instead present issues point blank without any surfacing at all, and then stumble their way through it because it doesn't quite fit with the whole narrative of Star Trek. This is why the events feel disjointed and isolated, and don't contribute to the overall plot. They are focusing on making moments relatable to characters; while at the same time being hilariously dimwitted about what they think is clever.


This is why I said shows like ToS, TNG, DS9 and VOY were far better at this. Because they've already covered every single one of these topics, and did so with well placed allegory that brought you off of Earth (not always) and placed it in a different context that made you leave your silly modern day human convictions and biases behind. It's a lot more difficult to be bigoted when the issues aren't even about other humans and that's what's the most clever thing about Trek. It doesn't discriminate, in content or race. Everyone has issues, and everyone has their own "enlightenment" and we all have to struggle to understand and respect that; and even question our beliefs in the process.


But none of that is used here. It's just typical BS with little clever writing. It's predictable, and doesn't present any true moral quandary because these topics are so obvious to everyone most people immediately empathize with it and form opinions before they're even half way through an issue.

  • Deportation bad - yeah, this issue has been beaten to death and in more clever and intelligent ways than Picard has done here.
  • Mental health - yes, important but has been done far better service in previous Trek shows AND basically everything but Picard.
  • Being stuck in the past - yes, humans are like this but TNG addressed this several times, almost all of them focused on Picard.
  • Love being the road untraveled - this is excellent material, but the writers have thrown it out the window by not bringing in Crusher; in fact it's been entirely lost in this series (ie: they forgot what the show was about)

I don't understand what the message is in this show. Can you explain to me what the message is? The first season was a Mass Effect rip off. This one is completely unfocused with them laying out the entire point of things and then forgetting about it immediately afterwards with the timeline plot.


On 25/04/2022 at 09:44, primortal said:
  • And the cop just laughed at it.  Though I thought he wasn't writing it down for the FBI agent to use.
  • Seven stole the cop car right from the precinct and again a speeding cop car leaving the precinct, who would have batted an eye at that.
  • The beaming out of the cop car was a little odd but unless the cops had body cams or street cams recording it no one is going to believe it.  Don't get me wrong, I did complain to my wife about them beaming out in front of everyone as well.
  • That's just stretching it.
  • Really?  A curious cop stumbles upon something strange and forgets protocol to call for backup?  I lost count how many times I've seen this is movies/shows.
  • Not surprising, love.
  • See above
  • The clinic has nurses and I suspect other doctors as well.
  • Because Guinan gave Picard a door to open and look what happened.

Seriously, you need to put logic outside and play when watching any of this.

  • Yes, it would be fine if it was isolated. It wasn't. As the FBI agent later shows, they have made so many missteps even a guy with zero resources can put it all together.
  • Yes, she stole the cop car then rammed through the guard post. The fact they beam out later completely invalidated the whole process and instead just provided artificial tension. They could have simply waited for Jerati to fix the transporter and avoided the whole mess. Or... maybe call a cab and then stiff the cab. That would have been simpler. The information they gathered was making sense, but they probably could have just hacked into it via their tricorder without breaking into the car.
  • Think we're on the same page here.
  • How? They attacked a bus and let a bunch of deportees go. They have no idea who those people are, why they were in custody, etc. Would a normal StarFleet Officer risk the safety of others just to get their own crew member out? Raffi didn't seem to care, or Rios (one of which is a Captain). This goes back to the hamfisted "deportation bad", where the writers didn't care about the complex nuances of the action. Just that "deportation bad".
  • How did the curious cop get into the ship? Was the door just left open? They don't explain it, the guy just waltzes in. It has nothing to do with him calling for backup or not, but they're so asininely stupid that they just let people walk into their ship (also leaving the Borg Queen to do whatever the hell she wants without any supervision).
  • That's not love, that's infatuation. Love takes more than several hours, but I'll give you the trope isn't exactly Picard specific. I dislike love being used to excuse world ending actions, though. There wasn't really any reason for Rios to bring her on the ship. And in all other Trek cases where they did this, the stakes weren't "the entire universe".
  • She runs the entire clinic, it's her clinic. If she vanishes who takes over the finances, etc? Is she going to abandon her cause for love? Is Rios worth abandoning all the people and lives she's saving?
  • The whole side plot with the FBI agent was pointless, it went nowhere. There's a lot more flaws with that than Picard being stupid; which wouldn't have been stupid if he had convinced the guy to help them get to Mission Control or something. But he just lets them go and leaves (lets ignore the fact that Vulcans didn't have beaming technology back when he got mind-melded, so the whole issue they made up doesn't even work).


On 25/04/2022 at 09:44, primortal said:
  1. Don't forget the Borg do evolve and what once worked for Voyager may no longer work now.
  2. Your opinion is fine and for me I like her, and she was in Starfleet working with Piccard and left.  Refresher on her background,
  3. Never heard of love at first sight?
  4. They panicked and were trapped and didn't want to get arrested.  I think the FBI agent was on the way out even before questioning Picard and Guinan.  Q is Q and he's dying supposedly.
  5. She played Jurati like a fiddle and frankly I don't think the Borg queen has been written badly at all.  She was just as manipulative with Data in First Contact.
  1. True, but they've not explained it at all. Not even in passing other than "that's a different Borg ship".
  2. She's a drug addict, and she's a narcissist who will manipulate and use anyone around her to her own gain without any attempt to not do that. I know people like her in real life, and eventually if they don't change you have to cut them out of things. It's why I hate her (people like her in my life have ruined decade old friendships and torn families apart). Nobody would tolerate someone like her unless she had something to offer, and the show has repeatedly shown she has nothing to offer anyone.
  3. Love at first sight is not what you think it is. It can happen, but statistically speaking it takes weeks, months or years before a relationship becomes truly involved or even remotely reliable.
  4. She was definitely manipulative in First Contact. But her manipulation in First Contact was highly centered around pointing out contradiction, exploiting desires and wants. She was doing that with Jurati, and I have no issues with the premise. But the writing is terrible, her motives are muddied. They've made it seem like the Queen has never seen someone like Jurati before. That she can outsmart the queen (which in and of itself is dumb when she can control billions of drones but can't seem to contend with a single human woman). Mostly though, it's the bad lines and fake drama that I dislike the most. Jurati is brilliant, not stupid. Yet she makes all the dumbest mistakes in the book when dealing with the Borg queen.


On 25/04/2022 at 09:44, primortal said:

Let's not forget Q is also messing up the timeline with Soong.


OMG humans acting like humans.  How dare they write them as such.

Q is a whole other can of worms. He has no powers, but he somehow conveniently has what he needs exactly when he needs it despite that. The only explanation is there's two of Q, one past and one present. But that completely contradicts the whole essence of Q. So until they explain how:

  • Q moved them to a different universe despite losing most of his powers
  • Q went to the past with them despite losing most of his powers
  • Q impersonated a psychologist (and faked all the necessary credentials to do so) without his powers.
  • Q made the serum that Soong needed without the use of his powers (but specifically a wearing off kind)
  • Q left the message in the VR machine without the use of his powers (and conveniently timed the delivery as well)
  • Q impersonated an FBI agent (and all the necessary credentials) without his powers.

Q is incredibly inconsistent, and is also being used as a plot device rather than the mastermind behind what's going on. Likely because the writers are like "Lets write him like Q" but "If he's Q he can just fix everything himself, so lets take away his powers too!" - but then they forgot to re-write everything he used his powers to do.


Humans can act like humans, but I expect Starfleet Officers to act like Starfleet Officers; not just everyday joes. 

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On 25/04/2022 at 15:17, Emn1ty said:

The hamfisting is done by how it's written. The writers haven't a clue what an allegory is. They instead present issues point blank without any surfacing at all, and then stumble their way through it because it doesn't quite fit with the whole narrative of Star Trek. This is why the events feel disjointed and isolated, and don't contribute to the overall plot. They are focusing on making moments relatable to characters; while at the same time being hilariously dimwitted about what they think is clever.


This is why I said shows like ToS, TNG, DS9 and VOY were far better at this. Because they've already covered every single one of these topics, and did so with well placed allegory that brought you off of Earth (not always) and placed it in a different context that made you leave your silly modern day human convictions and biases behind. It's a lot more difficult to be bigoted when the issues aren't even about other humans and that's what's the most clever thing about Trek. It doesn't discriminate, in content or race. Everyone has issues, and everyone has their own "enlightenment" and we all have to struggle to understand and respect that; and even question our beliefs in the process.


But none of that is used here. It's just typical BS with little clever writing. It's predictable, and doesn't present any true moral quandary because these topics are so obvious to everyone most people immediately empathize with it and form opinions before they're even half way through an issue.

  • Deportation bad - yeah, this issue has been beaten to death and in more clever and intelligent ways than Picard has done here.
  • Mental health - yes, important but has been done far better service in previous Trek shows AND basically everything but Picard.
  • Being stuck in the past - yes, humans are like this but TNG addressed this several times, almost all of them focused on Picard.
  • Love being the road untraveled - this is excellent material, but the writers have thrown it out the window by not bringing in Crusher; in fact it's been entirely lost in this series (ie: they forgot what the show was about)

I don't understand what the message is in this show. Can you explain to me what the message is? The first season was a Mass Effect rip off. This one is completely unfocused with them laying out the entire point of things and then forgetting about it immediately afterwards with the timeline plot.

Dude, just put your brain in park for a bit....  It's just a show.


ToS and TNG were pretty much single-story episodes, VOY as well with the underlying story of getting home.  DS9 went a little more story arc for the season which remained focused on character driven stories.


What does Crusher have anything to do with love being the road untraveled?  I think she was mentioned briefly in season one but that's about it.  FYI, Picard isn't STN it's about a man that was happily retired producing wine that got sucked back up into a mess tried to retire yet again and Legion came a calling looking specifically for him.


This season seemed to focus more on Picard's fears as a child and uncovering them along with the Borg queen lose in LA than it was about correcting the timeline which did take a back seat.


On 25/04/2022 at 15:17, Emn1ty said:
  1. True, but they've not explained it at all. Not even in passing other than "that's a different Borg ship".
  2. She's a drug addict, and she's a narcissist who will manipulate and use anyone around her to her own gain without any attempt to not do that. I know people like her in real life, and eventually if they don't change you have to cut them out of things. It's why I hate her (people like her in my life have ruined decade old friendships and torn families apart). Nobody would tolerate someone like her unless she had something to offer, and the show has repeatedly shown she has nothing to offer anyone.
  3. Love at first sight is not what you think it is. It can happen, but statistically speaking it takes weeks, months or years before a relationship becomes truly involved or even remotely reliable.
  4. She was definitely manipulative in First Contact. But her manipulation in First Contact was highly centered around pointing out contradiction, exploiting desires and wants. She was doing that with Jurati, and I have no issues with the premise. But the writing is terrible, her motives are muddied. They've made it seem like the Queen has never seen someone like Jurati before. That she can outsmart the queen (which in and of itself is dumb when she can control billions of drones but can't seem to contend with a single human woman). Mostly though, it's the bad lines and fake drama that I dislike the most. Jurati is brilliant, not stupid. Yet she makes all the dumbest mistakes in the book when dealing with the Borg queen.
  1. They had no time to do anything but try to regain control of the fleet after the Borg take over.
  2. She became that way before season 1.  And she is trying to correct that.
  3. It's a TV show, they don't have weeks, months, or years to develop this.
  4. The difference is that Jurati "conscience" was "uploaded" to the Borg queen's mind something she never had done before.  That to me is different than her controlling the drone minds.  Then the Borg queen "uploaded" herself to Jurati who put up a fight.
On 25/04/2022 at 15:17, Emn1ty said:

Q is a whole other can of worms. He has no powers, but he somehow conveniently has what he needs exactly when he needs it despite that. The only explanation is there's two of Q, one past and one present. But that completely contradicts the whole essence of Q. So until they explain how:

  • Q moved them to a different universe despite losing most of his powers
  • Q went to the past with them despite losing most of his powers
  • Q impersonated a psychologist (and faked all the necessary credentials to do so) without his powers.
  • Q made the serum that Soong needed without the use of his powers (but specifically a wearing off kind)
  • Q left the message in the VR machine without the use of his powers (and conveniently timed the delivery as well)
  • Q impersonated an FBI agent (and all the necessary credentials) without his powers.

Q is incredibly inconsistent, and is also being used as a plot device rather than the mastermind behind what's going on. Likely because the writers are like "Lets write him like Q" but "If he's Q he can just fix everything himself, so lets take away his powers too!" - but then they forgot to re-write everything he used his powers to do.

I agree here.  They added Q just for the sake of adding him.  I'm hoping that the last episode ties this all up because last night's episode just created more questions to deal with.

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I for one like where they're taking the borg, they've been pretty stale for years. After the events in first contact they're just not the big bad they once were.  Part of that is because they've used them to death instead of trying to come up with a new enemy. Well there was the Dominion at least. 



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On 29/04/2022 at 16:08, primortal said:

This season seemed to focus more on Picard's fears as a child and uncovering them

They seem to have completely forgotten a rather important part of Picard's childhood issues, ones we know at least a bit about...


Where is his brother?

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On 01/05/2022 at 08:58, FloatingFatMan said:

They seem to have completely forgotten a rather important part of Picard's childhood issues, ones we know at least a bit about...


Where is his brother?

I forget where it was said but they mention he's away at boarding school or something to that extent.  I don't know what age gap they have between them, back in the TNG ep it looked like they had a good gap, 7 to 10 years maybe?  Or the actor might have just looked way older than PS at the time?   


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I am dying to see what Q's surprise is for Jean-Luc and why he has been tormenting him this time. It's gonna be interesting.

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On 29/04/2022 at 11:08, primortal said:

Dude, just put your brain in park for a bit....  It's just a show.


ToS and TNG were pretty much single-story episodes, VOY as well with the underlying story of getting home.  DS9 went a little more story arc for the season which remained focused on character driven stories.


What does Crusher have anything to do with love being the road untraveled?  I think she was mentioned briefly in season one but that's about it.  FYI, Picard isn't STN it's about a man that was happily retired producing wine that got sucked back up into a mess tried to retire yet again and Legion came a calling looking specifically for him.


This season seemed to focus more on Picard's fears as a child and uncovering them along with the Borg queen lose in LA than it was about correcting the timeline which did take a back seat.


  1. They had no time to do anything but try to regain control of the fleet after the Borg take over.
  2. She became that way before season 1.  And she is trying to correct that.
  3. It's a TV show, they don't have weeks, months, or years to develop this.
  4. The difference is that Jurati "conscience" was "uploaded" to the Borg queen's mind something she never had done before.  That to me is different than her controlling the drone minds.  Then the Borg queen "uploaded" herself to Jurati who put up a fight.

I agree here.  They added Q just for the sake of adding him.  I'm hoping that the last episode ties this all up because last night's episode just created more questions to deal with.

John DeLancie is a wonderful actor and Q is just one character I absolutely love. DeLancie said on an interview that Q's intentions this time around were personal and that in a sense, this was a story about "love". The love he has for Picard because he is a special Human being to him. I don't know. We wil see next week when the final episode airs.

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On 01/05/2022 at 11:41, spacelordmaster said:

We wil see next week when the final episode airs.

Or not, seeing as they filmed the third season right along with this season. I expect a huge cliffhanger.

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On 01/05/2022 at 22:58, Steven P. said:

Or not, seeing as they filmed the third season right along with this season. I expect a huge cliffhanger.

Aaaaaaaaaaabsolutely this!

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I guess one more ep left,I downloaded and watched the others yesterday so I'm curious how this ends but yes I also expect a big cliff hanger.

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If they do it right, then I'm down with a cliffhanger.  Specially if it builds up to something great for s3 since it's the final and so much of the cast and crew are coming back for it.

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Just saw the season final..... damn....



Not going to lie, it got me in the feels, the Picard and Q moment was pretty damn emotional.  Though they don't explain, as expected, why he's dying.  


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On 05/05/2022 at 10:04, George P said:

Just saw the season final..... damn....


I just saw it too and.. well.. Damn!  There was a bit that was rather... unexpected!  Yeah.. Unexpected.. That's a word... right? :p



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So much for the "Trial never ends"? 😛 

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What a train wreck of a show. The writing this season is just appalling. These writers couldn't write their way out of a brown paper bag if they tried.

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I thought they could have done without the hidden love affair among two characters..just reminds me of Eternals and how pointless it is to force that nonsense into the story.

I doubt I'll continue for another season...kinda lost me after that.

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