So I've been a corporate software dev for a very long time. Mostly data entry and reporting systems, all very boring and I'm losing the joy of coding that I used to have. So...
I'd like to try my hand at game development. Nothing big or fancy, just something simple and fun in my spare time. I'd probably start trying to recreate an 8bit game from my teenage years (I'm old, I was a teen in the 80s).
But I have no idea where to start. I mostly do VB/C# at the moment, but I've dabbled in many other languages over the years. I guess Unity might be a good starting point? Can anyone point me towards a good resource for beginning game development please?
So I've been a corporate software dev for a very long time. Mostly data entry and reporting systems, all very boring and I'm losing the joy of coding that I used to have. So...
I'd like to try my hand at game development. Nothing big or fancy, just something simple and fun in my spare time. I'd probably start trying to recreate an 8bit game from my teenage years (I'm old, I was a teen in the 80s).
But I have no idea where to start. I mostly do VB/C# at the moment, but I've dabbled in many other languages over the years. I guess Unity might be a good starting point? Can anyone point me towards a good resource for beginning game development please?
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