upload little project-code to use on a ESP 32 - generated with PlatformIO/VScode 

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hello dear experts


I am currently working on a little project -code to use on a ESP 32 - generated with PlatformIO/VScode 

the question is: how to upload the code to the  ESP32 (connected to the computer using USB) but the question is: there i need to find how to select the right USB port to upload the code.

i need to specify an 'upload_port' for environment or i might go and use global '--upload-port' option.

**How can I upload my code?**

Well again; i think that it is pretty important to find the USB port: 


i have to use WindowsKey-X, and then i need to select Device Manager,
afterward i have plug in the device and observe what's listed under Ports (COM & LPT) in other words; i will have  plug in the device and observe what's listed under Ports the one that just appeared has the port in brackets (COMn).


regarding the usage of PlatformIO
in platformio.ini  - the ini-file in our PlatformIo i need to initialise the project folder,i guess that i have to specify the port as a line under the platform section (env: square brackets line): 

here i have to set & configure the upload_port = comX,Y,Z or whatever we got from our Device Manager.

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