Joining two networks with a VPN

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I'd like to set up a VPN so that my daughter can access my NAS from her home (also handy so I can access it whilst out and about), but I've no idea how to go about doing this,


My home router is a BT Home Hub 5, which has no VPN capability built in. But I can obviously open up ports on it as required.

My NAS is an EonNas Pro 810.

All PCs (mine and daughters) are Windows 10.

I have a spare Raspberry Pi B doing nothing, so that could be setup as a dedicated device if needs be.


So can anyone help, or point me to an easy to follow guide?



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14 minutes ago, rmorris003 said:

Look at Unifi equipment, lots of info on youtube on how to setup 2 locations via vpn.

Unless I'm missing something that involves buying expensive equipment. I should've mentioned that any solution needs to be as inexpensive as possible.

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11 minutes ago, olavinto said:

This seems like a decent guide for setting up a Rasberry Pi as a VPN server although I have no idea if it works with your Rasberry Pi B:

Looks like a good solution, but they recommend a Pi 2 or 3. I'll read up on it and decide on a Pi upgrade.

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