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Microsoft Build 2020 Offline Videos


Every Build/PDC upto now, Microsoft has provided a way to download Build keynote/session videos so you can watch them when you want. But this year when its digital only, no offline videos. Anyone know anyway I can download the entire day 1 build video, if nothing else, so that would include all 4 of the keynotes. Back in the days, if you paused the video, you could find a download link or you could download the video from MSDN Channel 9. Other times, they provioded the videos as part of of b-roll footage in the press center. Looked through all that, and only found a Youtube video of the first keynote (20 mins) so far (which I've downloaded).


Deverlopers are super users who have a very fixed and defined way of working. For me its offline videos, instead of using bloated websites. I like being able to go back 5 or 20 seconds, using my keyboard or pausing using the space key (many websites still dont even support that).

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