Firefox 0.8

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i deleted everything

But did you get the profiles folder? It's not where your Firefox program files are.

The profile folder is in C:\Documents and Settings\<your name>\Application Data\Phoenix

Don't forget to backup your bookmarks though.

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You need to type this in to your signature box

About scroll bars, If you are using Firefox with an old profile that can be the problem, Exit From Firefox then delete all of your profile then restart the Firefox :)

Thanks man :) (Y).

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No real problems here installing the latest build of firefox, Now all we have to do is sit and wait a few days for the developers to catch back up with the latest build.. :p I need my GANT theme that works, and doesn't cause missing buttons!

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Is there any way to have some links open in the current window instead of opening a new tab? Whenever I'm at the Neowin Forum Main Page and I click a forum, it opens in a new window. I'd like to have it go there in the current window. I am using TBE if that helps any.

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ok cool thanks

i still can't beileve it's so fast! is it because it keeps more stuff on your hardrive or what?

i think i can say i switched browsers now! i didnt think i would ever say that!

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I do have TBE like I said in my posts. The settings I want are to open a new tab when clicking a link that goes offsite, but when staying in site, staying in the current tab. I'm trying to make it like MyIE2 was because I liked the setup I had there. Firefox is just so great though that I have to make things work in here.

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i still can't beileve it's so fast! is it because it keeps more stuff on your hardrive or what?

i think i can say i switched browsers now! i didnt think i would ever say that!

nope. thats called Cacheing, and its just faster because it uses a faster engine for dispalying the pages. its a really great browser (and its not even DONE YET!)

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I thought I may as well give it a crack...I'd only breifly used Firebird before for testing purposes for web development. So I've always stuck with IE.

But holy sh!t batman, this is bloody unreal. I definitely noticed a huge speed difference. I can proudly say I have switched browers...well at work anyway. Definitely will switch at home as well.

I'll still have to crank up IE at work and home for dev. purposes.

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