Firefox 0.8

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I thought I may as well give it a crack...I'd only breifly used Firebird before for testing purposes for web development. So I've always stuck with IE.

But holy sh!t batman, this is bloody unreal. I definitely noticed a huge speed difference. I can proudly say I have switched browers...well at work anyway. Definitely will switch at home as well.

I'll still have to crank up IE at work and home for dev. purposes.

Another person comes into the light :D :cool:

A simple question...

Is it possible to rearrange the order of the tabs? I.e.: drag one before/after another like in Visual Studio .NET?

I wish it was possible to also do this in Windows on the taskbar.

Yes... I do it all the time :yes:.. I'm 99% sure its standard, but if you cant do it by default, grab TBE
here's a screenshot of my task manager with the excessive use of cpu shown by firefox.exe..with only 2 tabs open. this reply tab and one in the msn messenger downtime threat

Damn, that is pretty big comapired to IE... but then again... when you're running a box with 512+MB of RAM and it kicks IE's @$$ so bad, who cares? :shifty: Also remember its still technically a beta. I remember Word Beta 2 in Office 2003 used like 60 megs of RAM after opening a few simple files

A simple question...

Is it possible to rearrange the order of the tabs? I.e.: drag one before/after another like in Visual Studio .NET?

I wish it was possible to also do this in Windows on the taskbar.

HERE's a great extension you might want to try. I love it. :)

lol...nobody else seems to be getting this starts out to be 0% cpu usage and then after a period of time, the heatsink starts whirring like crazy and my cpu's temp is up to 46C..up 10C! ..and the cpu usage just shoots up

After a few hours of heavy browsing things seem to be working well for me:


what is TBE? What does it do? Does it just give you more options? Where can i get it?

why is file/edit/view/go/bookmarks/etc. so big? There extra unused space and I just don't think it looks good. Why can't it be more how it is in internet explorer? if there no way to change it i think i might bring it to there attention.

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