Firefox 0.8

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oh ok guess i just never payed attention to the corner of the how does it work? fro CSS?

I know it shows up for all pages with multiple style sheets. I think it might show up for every site that uses CSS though, I'm pretty sure I tested the basic theme option on a page that didn't offer anything else.

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DOH i just realised that Firefox is actually older then the version i was using before...i was using the .08 nigthly builds which used Mozilla 1.7a code...and firefox uses Mozilla 1.6 code...wish i would of known that earlier, i was wondering why it seemed like nothing new with Firefox besides the new icons, name and about screen

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I'm posting this from safari because I haven't setup the password manager in FireFox yet and the dirty ###### doesn't work with keychain (opensource - code it yourself, not tied to one platform blah blah blah).

Anyway. FireBird 0.7 made it to my "apple" menu for quick access but could never replace safari on my dock because it was slow. Safari loads almost instantly where the firebird icon would need a couple of seconds to bounce. I found page rendering a little slow compared to safari, and I didn't care much for the bookmarks implimentation in firebird at all. Before pinstripe I couldn't stand firebird (phoenix) on my system because it just didn't look like it belonged. The only reason I really had firebird around was because I needed it for development.

Having downloaded FireFox .8 all I can say is WOW!

1) Page rendering is disturbingly fast. I haven't benchmarked but it feels at least as fast as safari, and it does all this while having even better standards support.

2) The theme fits with os x perfectly (so did previous versions - but I prefered camino).

3) Loading time is excellent, the difference between safari and firefox is there but it's not enough to be annoying anymore

4) The bult in certificate manager is golden (not new, but still: it's good stuff)

It's in my dock. I'm going to kick safari out and see if I can live with firefor exclusively for a week. There are some bugs, and I have a few questions. I'm going to go off to document them now.

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the evn show you can make Fireforx load pages even faster by doing this tweak

browse to this location:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Phoenix\Profiles\default\[random numbers/letters].slt (Probably Firefox now instead of Phoniex...i didn't create a new profile so mines is still Phoniex)

you need to create the user.js file

right click edit


/* Enable=true Disable=false pipelining */
user_pref("network.http.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.proxy.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.pipelining.maxrequests", 4);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections", 24);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 8);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 4);
user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);
/* Last value in milliseconds (default is 250) */
user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 1000);
/* Turn on timer-based reflow management */
user_pref("content.notify.ontimer", true);
/* Sets the allowed time between reflows in microseconds */
user_pref("content.notify.interval", 10);
/* Set the number of reflows to do before waiting for the rest of the page to arrive */
user_pref("content.notify.backoffcount", 200);

NOTE: "nglayout.initialpaint.display" is set for dialup users. For broadband users, change this number to 0 to account with your modem reflow as its MUCH

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evn, what sort of system are you running it on, again? My iBook G3 runs it painfully show. Page scrolling is horrible...

Luckily, it runs spiffy on my PC :)

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iBook 800mhz it's a little choppy, but it's pretty quick on my ancient 667 tibook, iMac at 1ghz is amazing (this is the second time I've used that machine).

Supernova: thanks for the tip.

EDIT: for mac users that would go in ~/Library/Phoenix/Profiles/default/randomletters.slt/user.js, we don't have a c:\ :)

Question 1: Can I assign middle click to 'open in new tab'?

Question 2: Where can I submit bug reports

Bugs (these are on the OS X version, I'm not sure about linux or Windows)


The mysterious un-closable window that shows up in expos?>

How to reporduce:

1) start firebox

2) invoke expos? for all windows or all application windows: press F9 or F10The downloads window cannot be closed by toolbar widgetb>

How to reproduce:

1) Display the download window

2) Note that the close and zoom widgets are disabled. CTRL+W will still close the windowThe "Customize toolbar" window displays as a window, not as a sheet attached to the main windowb>

The window also appears at 'random' positions - not centered of the window as would be expected.

How to reproduce:

1) CTRL+Click on the toolbar

2) select customize

3) click on the content-area of the browser windowHiding the status bar covers the "down" scroll button on horizontal scrollbar with the resize window widgetb>

How to reproduce:

1) Uncheck "status bar" in the view menu.

2) navigate to a page that is long so that the scroll bar appears.The "properties" window for images cannot be closed by CMD+Wb>

How to reproduce:

1) CTRL+click on a window and select properties.

2) Press CMD+W - not that nothing happens, you must use the titlebar widget

I attached some shrunk-down screenshots as a ZIP incase anyone needs some more details. It's a zip so that it doesn't make this post any longer.

Edited by the evn show
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it is going to be replaced by firefox and thunderbird eventually.

i imagine that other tools such as the calendar and composer to come later.

If you look around in the nightly builds directory, there is a project called "sunbird" which is the stand-alone Mozilla Calendar component. I tried it a couple nights ago, and it's extremely buggy.

Here's more information regarding Sunbird.

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oh ok guess i just never payed attention to the corner of the how does it work? fro CSS?

Essentially you can specify multiple stylesheets for your website, so the user has the option of having a graphical one, or another (for example, text only).

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i'm back to 0.7 since there's no themes nor localized builds availbe atm.

EDIT: i stil lcan't add bookmars to the bookmarkstoolbar via drag'n'drop. does anyone know to fix this?

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i see the link but what is IT? geez what i ment was where can i gte more info about it i didnt want a direct link.

thanks for being nice to a newbie... you firebird/firefox users are always trying to get people to switch and then when they switch you treat them like that?

Sorry it's just that people have been asking for mirrors and everything while neglecting to read the actual thread they post in. These are usually the same people who then make posts bashing the browser because they can't figure it out. I apologize, if you aren't one of those people.

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How do I get the tabs to stay up there all the time? I tried unchecking 'hide the tab bar when only one website is open' but it didnt work...

And how do I get it so everytime I open a new page it automatically opens in a new tab?


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download the extension TBE link on one of last two pages

me? if so what does it do?

And I am trying to get the ebay toolbar but it says I have to enable java...well it's enabled and it wont let me download it...hmmm

edit: it added it to where like the gogle search is but I want the whole toolbar, can I do that?

( I'm trying to get this to feel like how I had my IE )

And for some reason the scroll wheel wont work on the page where I reply, but it works on all other pages...

Bleh, whats up with that?

Edited by ahfunaki
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me? if so what does it do?

And for some reason the scroll wheel wont work on the page where I reply, but it works on all other pages...

yep for TBE (TabBrowser Extension) here is what it does

This is an extension for extending operations of tabbed browsing, e.g., tabs become re-ordable by drag and drop.

now the scroll problem...Try going to Tools->Options->Advanced expand Browsing and enable Use autoscrolling

i think that will do it

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ya doesnt work in a text box for me either

EDIT: also for the ebay bar thing try this...

Tools->Options->WebFeatures click advanced beside Java and javascript...and enable all of the settings and see if that helps

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Everything to do with firefox seems to be slow or not loading they must have got really badly hit with everyone downloading it, I had to use a mirror to download it.

I canrt even get to the plug in section of the mozzila site.

Other than that im loving it, its loading up faster than 0.7 at least.

GRR its still got that dumb thing where it opens new windows instead of opening new tabs.


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yep every site hosting Firefox or just about any site with extensions or themes is being hammerd and probably will for a couple days....always happens around a major release....also goes to show the size of the user base :)

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