AutoPatcher XP Poll

Do you think AutoPatcher XP is bloated?  

151 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think AutoPatcher XP is bloated?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe
    • I don't care

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I don't think its bloated but I do think the AutoPatcher should stick to -patches- and not -tweaks-

see this thread :

Those are the kinda things I don't want installed by default on my machine. It would be great if there would be buttons in the installer to auto-select "FULL INSTALL" or "TWEAKS ONLY" or "PATCHES ONLY".

my 2cents... a bit late :)

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i don't know, so i didn't vote. i'm still using the dec (?) version and things seem to be very warm and fluffy for me so far. i know that it's a work in progress so things will be added and subtracted as needed. i'm tickled that it's here for us.

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It will... for most of the hotfixes and updates can then be removed.  :)  But yeah... it's easy to say "Cut out the bloat"... but what "non-updates" would you have me remove that really take up much room?




WEEEE xStainDx JUST SAVED YOU 25MB!!! :woot:

It's the one useless thing that you don't need unless you have .NET Applications on your computer and any decent software developer will actually package the .NET Framework with their installer.

Thus making .NET Framework unecessary in AutoPatcher!

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hmmm... that's not exactly true... If every .NET Developer included the Framework with their app... then the user would have to download 30MB stuff for each .NET application he would want to download... But I haven't seen such thing anywhere... I only see a probgram being 1-3MB and a note underneath saying "you will need to install .NET Framework for this application to work", providing a link to Microsoft's download page...


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WEEEE xStainDx JUST SAVED YOU 25MB!!! :woot:

Well, see... now this is why I'm makin' "AutoPatcher XP Lite"... I'll make sure .NET isn't in there, since a few of you who want the Lite version, also don't want the Framework. (Y)

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if anyone wants to help me making a "localized" german version just message me. i piled up quite alot of useful stuff for the german xp users.

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Well, see... now this is why I'm makin' "AutoPatcher XP Lite"... I'll make sure .NET isn't in there, since a few of you who want the Lite version, also don't want the Framework.  (Y)

why make a completly different package when all you could do is assign presets to the installer ? With 1 click of a button we could choose presets of what to install... instead of going thru the whole list and taking an hour to disable/enable what we want.

imo, presets are the way to go and would look very good.

// edit : just read the other thread sorry

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why make a completly different package when all you could do is assign presets to the installer ? With 1 click of a button we could choose presets of what to install... instead of going thru the whole list and taking an hour to disable/enable what we want.

imo, presets are the way to go and would look very good.

// edit : just read the other thread sorry

I was just about to refer you to the other thread, too... glad you saw it. :D But yes, the reason why is the reason I put in the other thread. (Y)

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WEEEE xStainDx JUST SAVED YOU 25MB!!!?:woot::

It's the one useless thing that you don't need unless you have .NET Applications on your computer and any decent software developer will actually package the .NET Framework with their installer.

Thus making .NET Framework unecessary in AutoPatcher!

Think about the software developers. I am really teed off at Microsoft for not including the .NET Framework in SP2. Everything I write is now in .NET. .NET is only big because it is a complete API for .NET programs.

Why don't you get all excited about the VB6 runtimes? The .NET Framework is just another runtime.

Edited by memodude
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hmmm... that's not exactly true... If every .NET Developer included the Framework with their app... then the user would have to download 30MB stuff for each .NET application he would want to download... But I haven't seen such thing anywhere... I only see a probgram being 1-3MB and a note underneath saying "you will need to install .NET Framework for this application to work", providing a link to Microsoft's download page...



Every .NET Developer who knows how to make a Good installer (Using InstallShield or (raw) MSI) knows how to check for the .NET Framework and if it's needed for the user download the .NET Framework while the software is installing if neccesary.

Its called Windows Installer / MSI.

There are routines in MSI that let you do such tasks. I would not include the .NET Framework in a Web Site download for any application Most likely i'd write an installsheild script to check for the installation of the framework. I would include the .NET Framework as a whole in a CD Distrobutions, for Web downloads you create the specialized installer. :yes:

For this purpose and the purpose that I seriously doubt 1% of the users who use autopatcher even have any application that works in .NET I recommend it disappear from your program. :yes:

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Aye, .NET Framework should be included with CD Distributions... But my view is: the more systems with .NET Framework, the better... Either now with AutoPatcher, or later via a separate download or a Distribution CD :)

Peace? :yes:


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Aye, .NET Framework should be included with CD Distributions... But my view is: the more systems with .NET Framework, the better... Either now with AutoPatcher, or later via a separate download or a Distribution CD :)

Peace? :yes:


lol I agree... we need peace here between these two factions! :laugh: Anyways, xStainDx, .Net will not be in the Lite version, so that should make ya smile. (Y)

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No .NET Framework?

Wow, that's .... :alien:

The .NET Framework installer is about 12MB if you compress it right and remove the bootstrappers :rolleyes:

Ahem... .Net will be in the Full... just not the Lite. (Y)

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AutoPatcher in a sense is supposed to bloated, isn't it? I mean it has all these tweaks and optional components in it that only hardcore people use, so while it may be "bloat" for users who never put anything on thir computer, it's not for people who want all the extras.

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In some ways maybe, but if you think about it, not really. I mean, it has a TON of fixes and updates (Try downloading all of that via Windows Update! :wacko: ). On the other hand, though, a lot of this stuff is uneccessary. I was working on an AutoPatcher XP "Lite" not too long ago, but it seems Flish is doing an "official" one now, but whatever. :) (FlishFun: I'd be willing to help work on AP Lite. )

AutoPatcher XP Lite - "Everything you need, nothing you don't." :laugh: :devil:

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Quick update... Windows XP SP2 Beta 2 is out (for testers, like me)... and it's a whopping 345.4 MB... the AP doesn't seem at ALL that bloated now. :laugh: :p

EDIT - Yeah. before anyone posts... yes I know that it's cause it has all the stuff in it for MCE, I was just sayin'. ;)

Edited by FlishFun
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Nah - as i have said before, it has goten as big as 200 MB only because of the massive amount of hotfixes after SP1 (which can be explained by the fact that SP2 will ship way too long after SP1)

I cant see how we will even be able to make a 500MB version :p never mind a DVD :p (well maybe if you put Windows XP + AutoPatcher & include many of the 'big' apps :p)


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