[VS] Luna

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Just wanted to express my kudo's and congrats on your work. I'm a closet linux guy running all Windows boxes at home :cry:

But one desktop is setup in my shrine to Fedora.. as much as I dislike Windows & Microsoft :laugh: This skin really shines. If only MS had come up with it! Keep up the good work. Perhaps get an icon package for it? Something Windows-Ish but not the generic XP icons :)

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i even switch around my wallpaper to blend the icons more with the theme...a buzz those icons are sweet but there missing somthing??? cant put my finger on it :dontgetit:

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Nice. I hope everything is included so we can get it looking EXACTLY like that :p


How about umm.. Cursors? or um.... A Winamp Skin? you know. all the lil extras :D


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well the icons u can gettyhe icons from the devart site... but winamp i dont know how to skin ...so i acnt help there....but i am looking for a trillian skin...anybody know if theres one?



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Hey all!

Well, its after the exam I had, and I have a couple of hours (acutally about one) That I can spend online here at school before I have to get home and study for the next test :p

OMFG you miss a hell of alot when you're not online for a while :omfg:

Well, because I figured that I might be ofline for a while, I got to workin on VX for fun. I decided to "wipe the slate clean" and I have "remade" VX so to speak. I havent changed any images or anything drastic; What I did was choose to create a "new" VS in StyleBuilder so I could have all of the blank parts and states, and went from there.

The end result is (what i believe is) a really high level of finesse and presicion with colours and the like (because I could make a REALLY big substitution list... you figure out the rest... :p)

Xeon, Im actually using trilian right now, but you arent online It would seem. If you are online but not on AIM, get on NOW. I have only a short while, then I wont be back for a few days at LEAST.

Now I might tell you what Ive done.

Theres a new progress bar (have I said that i did that before? I made another better non-solid one :p)

Im not sure if it will work, but I also added color values to tooltips (ie: Balloon captions), although I havent noticed much because of it, but theyre there now :p)

All the rest of the things I (think) I have changed are really insignificant, but I think that that's a good thing. It means the VS is somewhere near perfect, and that's always what you want!

I basically made more small and unnoticable colour changes (I love making them, but the thing is theyre always the colours that are never displayed when the VS is on (like "Accent Color, Coloor "Hint"s, etc)), but I did add a hell of alot of substitution values which means that I can edit the style with less work and hassle. However, I also added some more font substitution compatibility, so a couple more things will have a designated font on them.

Oh, and I actually did one BIG change - I reshacked the VS and it will now display the font names rather than "normal", "large font" and "extra large font", and I included all the legal copyright stuff in the VS ( i have discovered lately that StyleBuilder, although you include all the documentation, It will leave it out when it compiles it, and puts in TGT soft's legal info instead! :angry:

This post could almost be an essay! (its so damn long! But thats what happens when youre not online for a week) And Im not done just yet either!

Im gonna address some of the problems and questions people have asked about the VS.

Firstly, I will say that I own Nero and those other progs and I too noticed those problems. I have fixed them now. I will impart on you some of the wisdom I have gained by making a few VS's, and that is that if something like that happens, it's because of Caption Margins. some programs dont use them properly, and they cause images to "respace" themselves. That was the problem in Nero Xpress, as well as the nero burning rom toolbars. And, if anyone has oticed, sometimes the "My Places" bar is cut off at "My Network Places". Again because of CaptionMargins.

You can fix almost any problem by seting Caption Margins to 0, 0, 0, 0.

Actually this got me thinking... Im gonna go hime toda, and where there are caption margins I will ad "ContentMargins". That's what you really want for buttons with transparency, so I'll see how it turns out.

Now, the extras:


I have found that the BlueCurve Cursors fit VX like a glove. However, as soon as I find a decent cursor editing program (anyone suggest ones?) I will make some original ones for VX.


Xeon, I think that they're missing "squareness". Alot of VX is seemingly "Square-like" in appearance, and the GANT icons are, well, round.


I have no skills at skinning winamp either, but it cant be THAT hard... could it...? :wacko:

I have done some other things too:

Using reshack (god bless reshack!) I have created a Luna VX screensaver too! Similar to Windows XP's screensaver, except with XeonGrafix (instead of Microsoft) and VX instead of XP etc. Its quite neat. I also made a .reg file to set the VX screensaver at the welcome (ie: logon) screen if anyone is interested.

Finally, all of this is wrapped up into one neal little package with my own custom .theme file (I added some script and got rid of some auto-generated script) to allow flat menus and non-chunky looking dialog boxes. It applies the VX screensaver, VS and wallpaper too, and, If I find some good ones, I may eventually make it apply original sounds for VX too! :woot: :drool:

Well, I hope i covered everything. I will see everyone in a few days hopefully!

And Xeon, dont worry, Im sure you dont need me THAT much... I hope... :shifty: :whistle: :p



(Wow, It's a short story! You must like reading if you got this far!)

(EDIT: If i misspelled anything, sorry, tried to write as fast as possible - I had alot to say :p)

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Dam dazz that was long.. :wacko:

but u coverd everything..

i hope u come online as fast as possible... and good luck on those exames.

well gant is round...and ur right we need somthing square..but what...and im not graficlly inclinded to make icons...everything else yes not icons...any mircles out there...either pm me or dazza..and im not on trillian becuase in the (GMT TIME ,LONDON ,LISBON)...

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I want your Wallpaper with LunaVX Gant style Xeon Inc. Yes, I think The GANT is icons theme is the best with Luna VX. Please your wallpaper !!!!!!!

Edited by D!rtySh@dy
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Can you include the shutdown dialog box? I saw the one from Neowin Transformation Pack.

It would be nice to see that in the next LunaVX release. Or is it already included? Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Great theme. Keep up the good work!

I was wondering if anyone knows how or what needs to be done so I can change the colour of a flashing program in the taskbar. I want to change it so that it stands out a bit more. Thanks...

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