[VS] Luna

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WTF. Service Pack 2 is still beta, you guys expect way too much from microsoft!

And thanks again DJ! Youre making this easier for me each time I come back online.

Your welcome dude, if ya get some probs.... mite be able to help..

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hey guys im back from weekend...and thanx dazzla..im probaly going to make another wallpaper style

but for the people that want a better high res wallpaper i will also include that in the update

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hey Xeon!

I got some of the colours in my shellstyle around the wrong way, so before you update I'll resend that to you. NOthing major, but thats what hapens when you do a rush job :p

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I was wondering if you could make the window titles (ex. Neowin -> Replying in [VS] Luna VX - Microsoft Explorer) in bold. It seems like every theme except for this one does them in bold. Also, could you change the start menu programs arrow to a more simple cleaner one? (ex. >> or > instead of ..>) Just some aesthetic suggestions. Other than those problems, the theme is beautiful.

Edit: Also the top line of pixels on my quicklaunch wmp icon is still cut off. I think you said you couldn't reproduce it but I don't see how that could only be my problem. So if you can look again just to make sure I'll shut up about it. :yes:

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the top line of pixels on my quicklaunch wmp icon is still cut off. I think you said you couldn't reproduce it but I don't see how that could only be my problem

Do you have the taskbar set to autohide or is it unlocked? Do you have a third party toolbar application (i.e. True Launch Bar)? I think that any of those could make the icon look weird.

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Autohide on Taskbar problem

I'm sure this problem has been solved already, and i've searched for hours for how.... can't find it.

Problem: Thin Line above taskbar, running all the way along the top of it.

I'm not using and 3rd party mods to my taskbar, tried taskbar locked/unlocked, tried regular and thin mode of this VS, still there....

Is it possibly something to do with the uxtheme.dll ? are they different modifications/versions of this file out there or we are all using the same one?

I seem to have this bar in different forms on some other VS's

Is there a fix for this? & Sorry if its already been disscussed in length someone else in the forums, did search for a long time before posting this.

See attached picture below and where i point to the thin line above task bar with the black arrows.


[EDIT: Note above in this pic that the taskbar MUST be locked, as there are no taskbar separator images between the start button, the quicklaunch icons and the open applications. ]

Autohide Solution

Your taskbar must be set to autohide. When autohide is applied the sizing bar is aplied so you can hover the mouse over it to restore the taskbar. Right click the taskbar, select properties then unchek auto-hide the taskbar.

if that aint it I dont care to speculate.

BTW I have my fix?d shellstyle now, along with a few new .reg files. Xeon, when youre ready...

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sorry guys, Xeon's internet traffic space has run out, he told me to tell you all to hold tight and he'll try 2 be on ASAP this week, and he said if he ever dies, i am to inheret Luna VX and i am not allow to share or sell it to anybody, so you better hope he doesn't die any time soon before this theme is complete lol :laugh: :p

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He told you that? :huh:

What, is his life intravenously connected to his internet access?

I cant diss that tho, Its true for me :p

This gives me a bit of a chance to fine-tune and comb out all the little inconsistencies that seem to find their way into the VS. Yay! :rofl:

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hey, we were all newbies once :p

Download the .zip file, then unzip into (Windows Directory)\Resources\Themes

After youve done that, simply right click on the desktop, select 'properties' and choose "Luna VX" from the menu in the apprearances tab.

That's it! Youre done.

If you want to apply the other things (such as the logon screen etc), that's a bit more difficult. Start your PC in safe mode (hit F8 before the bootscreen) and log in. Unzip the logonUI that OldeCrow made (if you just extraced the Luna VX zip, it will be in the Themes folder too). Open a new window and go into (Windows Directory)\system32\ and find logonUI.exe. rename it to something like logonUI.bak. then copy OldeCrow's logonUI into that folder. reboot.

And there u go!

To make this process easier, I am writing registry files to do most of these things automatically for you. In the meantime, that should help you out a bit. :p

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someone DID port it before, but i cant remember who it was. its posted somewhere in this thread tho... :p

But if I can be bothered (and when Xeon comes back if he permits) I might play around with SkinStudio and port it. Keep your fingers crossed tho... Im pretty lazy.. :sleep: :rolleyes:

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