[VS] Luna

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OK guys, its time for everyone to pitch in on this one.

Ive enjoyed messin around with VX for a good few weeks now and Its lookin better and better all the time. Still, like anything, there's always more that can be done.

Ive run into a proverbial brick wall over a problem I have discovered, but unfortunately Im not sure if it is a problem with visual style settings or just the XP theme engine in general.

Im gonna post a screenie here. Its to do with when your all programs menu is more than one pane wide. Look at the image down below.

Now, This is an annoying little **** of a problem, and unfortunately I havent been able to fix it without messing it up when there's only one panel.

So, If anyone can tell me if they know how to fix it, that'd be sweet.

Also, I remember there's a way of doing this, but I forgot how to make the status bar thinner. Again, anyone feel like helping out?



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The files within this folder are called shellstyles. Theyre new for XP, and provide the snazzy new Explorer "Common Tasks Menu" for XP.

Thanks Dazza.

BTW I don't get that problem in your pic. Same as some of the others.

I think I got that in an older version though.

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yep i get that minor 'bug' thing when you select an item in the second column in start menu

honestly i never even noticed it until i saw your screenie :) i dont mind it at all

i am now finally using this theme instead of milk..which i have been using for what seems FOREVER

no themes have got me off milk until this

love your work author of this vs! :D

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what are you doing with two columns worth of crap? this is what a start menu should look like (nice and organized)

Shut up, troll. People should be allowed to have their start menu however they want it.

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Shut up, troll. People should be allowed to have their start menu however they want it.

you sir, are out of line. he wasnt being a troll. lets remove the stick from the anus and move along. I'd say you're more of a troll than he is/isn't.

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you sir, are out of line. he wasnt being a troll. lets remove the stick from the anus and move along. I'd say you're more of a troll than he is/isn't.

Oh my hero to the rescue :x

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you sir, are out of line. he wasnt being a troll. lets remove the stick from the anus and move along. I'd say you're more of a troll than he is/isn't.

:D A man (or woman?) after my own heart. Well said old chap!

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Any chance that you'll be fixing the taskbar flash? That's the only thing that really takes away from the v.s.

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