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Legion Y530-15ICH BSOD: VIDEO_TDR_ERROR igdmd64.sys


Hello there!

The BSOD pops up as soon as Windows Update tries to install the Intel HD Graphics driver. The screen becomes black for a few seconds and then the BSOD appears. The screen remains black after the reboot. I can't even enter startup repair, black screen there as well.

I tried installing Win10 (while not being connected to the internet) and it runs totally fine, with no issues. But, I can't run it like that practically. I tried to install the driver update manually using the Lenovo Update utility from the website, but that also caused a BSOD.

Laptop temperatures are totally fine, fans spin well, no physical damage. How can I go about resolving this? I need the system for work, so I'd really appreciate any help!

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