Logitech G910 keyboard strange issue

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For some unknown reason, my G910 has developed an issue where it randomly double types a letter when I am typing. The letter 'I' seems be one of its favorites, but I have noticed it with other letters as well.

Steps I have taken already:


1) Adjusted the repeat rate in the keyboard control panel to very slow, as well as Repeat delay to Long

2) checked for updates for the control software (Logitech G-Hub)

3) Cleaned the keyboard with compressed air


I am not sure if the problem is the keyboard or if it might be something within Windows. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Can you RMA it? Even though it may be out of warranty, contact them. A few of my devices that failed out of warranty, were replaced, no questions asked.


Logitech has superb support. :)

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2 minutes ago, Mindovermaster said:

Can you RMA it? Even though it may be out of warranty, contact them. A few of my devices that failed out of warranty, were replaced, no questions asked.


Logitech has superb support. :)

I'm sure I might be able to, I wanted to exhaust all other troubleshooting methods prior to doing an RMA

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54 minutes ago, jnelsoninjax said:

I'm sure I might be able to, I wanted to exhaust all other troubleshooting methods prior to doing an RMA

Double typing usually has to do with hardware, not software. You did all the steps needed. Nothing more you can do...

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Cleaning the keyboard should be sufficient - the issue of double-typing is 99% likely to be hardware and then 95% likely to be gunk or 5% to be a worn key.


RMA if you can :)

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5 minutes ago, Dick Montage said:

Cleaning the keyboard should be sufficient - the issue of double-typing is 99% likely to be hardware and then 95% likely to be gunk or 5% to be a worn key.


RMA if you can :)

Least you didn't ninja me... lol :rofl:

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