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Welcome to the 2021 Desktops Thread


Desktops Thread is split into 4 threads over the course of a year to reduce clutter.
1Q - January through March.
2Q - April through June.
3Q - July through September.
4Q - October through December.


Posting Guidelines

*The file size for image previews (or embedded images) should be no larger than 750 KB.

*Images linked externally should be no larger than 3 MB.

*Please use reduced-size thumbnails, where possible, out of respect for people running on lower bandwidth or screen resolutions.


*Off Topic Posts will be edited or removed. Please support our rule set no matter how yummy you think your desktop is.

*The desktops thread is not to be used as a means to post images of a pornographic or otherwise provocative nature. We do not support a babes forum and neither will we in an unofficial capacity. Please help to keep the thread relevant and safe to browse for everyone.

*The moderators of this forum reserve the right to edit or remove your posts as necessary so they may comply with our Community Rules.


*In the interests of keeping the thread on topic it is strongly urged that you format your posts in the following order:

*Themes: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).

*Wallpaper: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).

*Icons: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).

*Programs: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).


Important Note: Any image posted that is over the established guidelines will be removed! Use a thumbnail or use a text link to your image. If your image is removed, this is why.

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  • Barney T. pinned this topic
  • 2 weeks later...

Fresh install on both of my frequently used OS's. Now on cutting edge versions. As always, I've done little other than change a few colours and settings.


Windows 10 Pro 21H1



Kubuntu 21.04



KDE Plasma 5.21 is simply amazing. If the game compatibility and Office 365 support was there I'd likely be running a Linux distro as my primary OS again. Slackware 15 looks like it is due to come out soon and it has Plasma 5.21, I'll probably replace Kubuntu with Slackware once it's released.

  • 2 months later...
  • Barney T. locked and unpinned this topic

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