I designed a better Windows 11 start menu, based off the current Windows 10 start menu

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Small size (current size in Insider builds):



Full screen:



Nothing new was added to these concepts that isn't already in the Windows 11 menu, just re-arranged into a smarter, more familiar layout. Though, some things *cough* were removed. Speaking of, there's no more "recommended" section. That can go to hell. Icon groups can be created or removed as you currently can in Windows 10. They can be moved around the screen as desired.  


I have also not added transparency effects just to keep these concepts a bit more simple and easier to make.

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I'd say that is objectively better than the current iteration. I'd settle for just being able to hide the Recommended section for more icon space.

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On 16/08/2021 at 19:36, virtorio said:

I'd say that is objectively better than the current iteration. I'd settle for just being able to hide the Recommended section for more icon space.

Someone on Reddit hooked a debugger up and found references to a setting for that. 

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On 16/08/2021 at 19:18, Dot Matrix said:

Small size (current size in Insider builds):



Full screen:



Nothing new was added to these concepts that isn't already in the Windows 11 menu, just re-arranged into a smarter, more familiar layout. Though, some things *cough* were removed. Speaking of, there's no more "recommended" section. That can go to hell. Icon groups can be created or removed as you currently can in Windows 10. They can be moved around the screen as desired.  


I have also not added transparency effects just to keep these concepts a bit more simple and easier to make.

I might be more convinced that this looks good if it used  Mica. 

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My main issue with it is still that huge sea of empty white space. To me that is just makes no sense at all for a desktop but I guess tablets are the big thing now.


To be fair though the last version of the Start Menu I really liked was from Windows 9x and 2000. Compact, well organized and super customizable.

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On 16/08/2021 at 22:58, adrynalyne said:

I might be more convinced that this looks good if it used  Mica. 

Didn't use Mica, just because I was tired, and wanted to keep things simple. 😄

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Just curious, how many icons does everyone usually have pinned? As many as you can fit or prefer a non-fullscreen menu with some space left to the right or top?

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On 17/08/2021 at 04:35, Rigby said:

To me that is just makes no sense at all for a desktop but I guess tablets are the big thing now

That argument may have been relevant about 5 years ago, but Windows now very much seems desktop focused.  Windows tablets are still a minority piece and I feel Microsoft have somewhat accepted this.


But I do agree with the comment that there’s a lot of white space.

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On 17/08/2021 at 05:56, MS Bob 10 said:

Just curious, how many icons does everyone usually have pinned? As many as you can fit or prefer a non-fullscreen menu with some space left to the right or top?

5-10 depending on computer I am on.  Everything things is search.

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The Windows 11 Start Menu is horrible.  I've been on the OLD MS Technical Beta Teams (where you had to apply, be reviewed and then accepted to the beta program) since Windows 95.  I've been testing MS Windows Betas since 1994, and while some may disagree, I didn't mind the live tiles at all, and found the Calendar and Weather live tiles to be very informative and helpful. Moving Widgets to the Start Menu makes more sense to me, and would be a cool customization option.  It would also help with OS migration/ continuity; but again, this is just my opinion.


However, if MS wants to remove them and replace it with something that was static, the medium and small sized tiles were just fine.  Switching to icons is OK, too; but I would much prefer tile or icon Groups to Recommendations, as we have in the current builds in the Dev Channel.

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On 18/08/2021 at 18:13, chrisspera said:

The Windows 11 Start Menu is horrible.  I've been on the OLD MS Technical Beta Teams (where you had to apply, be reviewed and then accepted to the beta program) since Windows 95.  I've been testing MS Windows Betas since 1994, and while some may disagree, I didn't mind the live tiles at all, and found the Calendar and Weather live tiles to be very informative and helpful. Moving Widgets to the Start Menu makes more sense to me, and would be a cool customization option.  It would also help with OS migration/ continuity; but again, this is just my opinion.


However, if MS wants to remove them and replace it with something that was static, the medium and small sized tiles were just fine.  Switching to icons is OK, too; but I would much prefer tile or icon Groups to Recommendations, as we have in the current builds in the Dev Channel.

Agreed, although I am a fan of Live Tiles. I myself have been a beta tester since the "Connect" period around the time I started this site with a friend in 2000 :D 

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On 16/08/2021 at 21:36, virtorio said:

I'd say that is objectively better than the current iteration. I'd settle for just being able to hide the Recommended section for more icon space.

I'd also like to see them bring back nameable groups.  I don't like the current setup andI agree the Recommended section has got to go.

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Nice but I know Dot is a fan of Windows 8’s start screen. Lol

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