The Flash (2022: Warner)

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On 20/06/2023 at 19:33, DocM said:


I wouldn't complain about that!  I actually enjoyed her in this role.  I thought she did a great job.  For being a very petite girl, her acting made it believable. 

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And she's quite easy on the eyes.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So I'm way late to this one, but finally saw it.  I quite liked it, sure some of the CGI was odd at times but other times I like how they tweaked it so it doesn't look "real" and is a weird version of relality that Barry sees himself.  The whole idea of red-shifting everything as he's moving faster is a nice touch.


Oh and you have to love the cameos and the whole twist on the DC multiverse and how they showed it was great.   It's a shame this bombed because of the real life Ezra crap.   Otherwise I feel this could've been a big hit money wise.

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Sara and I watched The Flash a couple of weeks ago in my theater.

Let's all be honest the best PARTS of the movie was Keaton as Batman. They don't realize what a money maker they have on their hands. Bring back Tim Burton and do a Keaton Batman Movie.

What little money the flash did make I personally think was all from Keaton.

CG-wise, it started off ok but by the 3rd act, the CG was just terrible.

I did love the sound effect of the flash while moving fast in rooms.

I give it 3 out of 5 (BBQ 0)

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I agree the whole Ezra Miller fiasco poisoned the film, and the fx were a mixed bag. thinking back on it, I think flashpoint has been overdone what with the Arrowverse and the crossovers in Supergirl.

As far as I'm concerned, make another Michael Keaton Batman film and I'm in. Maybe a transition series into Batman Beyond. A live action Return of the Joker film in the trilogy would be terrific.

Edited by DocM
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On 16/08/2023 at 06:44, DocM said:

I agree the whole Ezra Miller fiasco poisoned the film, and the fx were a mixed bag. thinking back on it, I think flashpoint has been overdone what with the Arrowverse and the crossovers in Supergirl.

As far as I'm concerned, make another Michael Keaton Batman film and I'm in. Maybe a transition series into Batman Beyond. A live action Return of the Joker film in the trilogy would be terrific.

Batman beyond could happen but not anytime soon.  We have no idea what the batman in the new DCU is going to be and plus we still have to go through the current The Batman films/shows.    At least the flash movie did a heck of a job visualizing the multiverse to people.   I actually quite like how they used it to tie in all the past superman and batman movies/projects.  

And a new Keaton batman kind of doesn't work now.  Think about it, he says in the movie that they don't need Batman anymore, Gotham is one of the safest cities by the point of the flash movie.

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Honestly, I wasn't very impressed... The only thing I can really take from this movie is that there wasn't near enough Supergirl, and Sasha Calle needs her own movie.

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I too was late to watching this. This film had the hype but sadly didn't do what I thought it would at the box office. Especially with Keaton being back at Batman.  Overall 6/10. I wanted to give this 9/10. 

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I didn't really enjoy it too much, the parts where Keaton as Batman were by far the best, that was great but with Ezra being such a ###### in real life I couldn't get past that and it ruined it for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just saw this, I thought it was going to be terrible given its box office numbers, but I actually quite enjoyed it. Keaton was awesome. 8/10

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  • 4 weeks later...

My wife and I finally watched the movie and quite enjoyed it.   Keaton was the best part of the movie, and it was nice to see the other universe hero's make it like Christopher Reeves/Nicholas Cage Superman, Adam West Batman and Jay Garrick (Flash).  We were so hoping to see Grant Guston's Flash being Ezra made a cameo on his show...

The only cringe-worthy things in the move are the "younger" Flash and that Pauly Shore laugh he had and the WTF moment with the post credits with Aquaman.

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