What do girls like to do?

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well my boyfriend just left and we had a wonderful day..I live in texas and so we dont get snow..but today we got snow so today we had a snowball fight and i made a snow man...it was such a great day :happy:

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You don't live near ANY water. Anyway, you live in Canada and it's cold right now and from her profile I noticed she says she likes sports. So, take her skating. If she doesn't know how to skate and you do, all the better because you can teach her. If you don't know how to skate and she does, all the better because A: she can help you and B: you get to show that you will let a girl show you how to do something.

Then go for hot chocolate afterwards someplace nice and warm. Perfect.

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Wave,Feb 16 2004, 21:47] Then go for hot chocolate afterwards someplace nice and warm. Perfect.

somewhere like Tim Hortons?? :laugh:

yes, take her to Tim Hortons. no better way to end a date.

oh wait, there is one better way... :whistle:

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somewhere like Tim Hortons?? :laugh:

yes, take her to Tim Hortons. no better way to end a date.

oh wait, there is one better way... :whistle:

yeah, inkow what your thinking, and im pretty sure she dont know how to skate, BUT i havnt bothered to ask.

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my gf's like to ****... :rolleyes: but thats just them :cool: <== (being saracastic)

Just take her too, well ur 13 so, Chucky Cheeses? <== not joking

Edited by Liquid
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my gf's like to ****... :rolleyes: but thats just them :cool:

btw um being sarcastic. Just take her to, well ur 13 so, Chucky Cheeses?

:laugh: lol :laugh:

my friend used to be Chucky


he said it was the worst job he ever had

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the key is to do anything you would normally do with guy friends (minus wrestling, and stuff) just have her over watch tv apparently 'chillaxing' is fun for her. shes candadian and doesnt know how to skate. teach her (you get to hold her hands if you can skate backwards. PLUS!) depends where ya are in Canada though i guess lotsa random frozen patches here good for the hockey.. If I could be 13 again I just wouldnt give a sh*t. Have confidence and be funny without trying. DOnt do anything unnatural (they pick that up so fast) and talk muchly. Be flirtatious too! thats is my advice. Im 17 now and only discovering how much fun chicks are when you know how to act (well not act) around them. Chicks > Computers. I found out first hand (haha masturbation joke there *free shot*)

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asking "What do girls like to do?" infers all girls like the same things

it all depends on the individual

pfff, ur a girl, wut do u kno about girls :whistle: :rofl: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

(u better kno im joking. and hopfully u get wut i mean)

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