Dutch scientists want a minimum age for junk food and a ban on advertising it

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Dutch scientists want you to live longer missing out on some of the things that make life worth living so we can be bored, as old as the hills and not know who/where we are anymore, but healthy! :D 



A ban on advertising unhealthy foods, price rises and even a ban on fast food for children are among the suggestions made by the CDA scientific institute to boost a healthy lifestyle.


Lifestyle related illnesses became a greater issue during the coronavirus pandemic, but more care, money and personnel are not the solution, the institute said in a new report. ‘Unhealthy food is so widely available that people are becoming ill unnecessarily,’ the institute said.


The report suggests limits to fast food availability, a ban on marketing unhealthy products, making agreements about the supply of good food and stimulating the market to make changes by making unhealthy food more expensive.


On advertising (which the government is already investigating)




Last month, it emerged that junior health minister Maarten van Ooijen is investigating new laws to allow local councils to limit the spread of fast food chains and junk food advertising.


Many municipalities have asked the government to create the legal tools for them to stop an overload in fast food restaurants, including Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and The Hague.



Source: https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/04/ban-junk-food-advertising-and-introduce-an-age-limit-cda-institute-says/


Oh I love living in a nanny state /s The Dutch government has already made it miserable for most working class people here the last 20 years.

  • Steven P. changed the title to Dutch scientists want a minimum age for junk food and a ban on advertising it

Considering junk food is responsible for quite a lot of the methane in the atmosphere, not to mention all the plastic waste etc (on top of all the fat asses), I think banning advertising and putting an age limit on it isn't too unreasonable...


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