Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One (2023)

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  • George P changed the title to Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One (2023)
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On 17/05/2023 at 10:13, George P said:


Okay, now that looks good.

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Given the past rep of the series for me... it's a safe bet to be one of the best movies of 2023. but lacking a small amount of movies, the current decade has been weaker than usual as a whole for movies etc.

in fact, all of the MI movies, besides the 2nd movie, are among my favorite movies in general. which makes them within my Top 144 movies at the minimum out of the 2,350+ total movies I have seen.

my current order of preference of the series...

1.Mission Impossible (1996) - 8/10
-.Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015)
-.Mission Impossible: Fallout (2018)
4.Mission Impossible III (2006) - 7/10
-.Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011)
6.Mission Impossible II (2000) - 5/10 (Thumbs Down)

basically the 1st-3rd listed would be within my Top 66 movies. the 4th-5th listed would be within my Top 144 movies.

p.s. for the record I used to be a big fan of the 2nd movie at some point in the past. also, I think Tom Cruise has the best all-around filmography of anyone as he's got twelve movies (almost thirteen) among my favorite movies in general. the vast majority of others would be lucky to get about half of that figure off the top of my head. basically Cruise tends to wipe the floor with just about everyone else in terms of longevity as he's been popular for decades where as a lot of other name actors tend to hit a much smaller stretch where they got star power. so between movie quality and longevity, that's basically the reason Cruise is ultimately king of the movie world among actors if you ask me.

Edited by ThaCrip
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On 21/05/2023 at 08:28, ThaCrip said:

basically the 1st-3rd listed would be within my Top 66 movies. the 4th-5th listed would be within my Top 144 movies.

I love the first one! It's a classic! Complete with Netscape Navigator!

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On 21/05/2023 at 16:41, Warwagon said:

I love the first one! It's a classic! Complete with Netscape Navigator!

And AOL from what I remember.


The only weak ones are 2 and 3, those were just pure action flicks with nothing much to them.  

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On 21/05/2023 at 09:41, Warwagon said:

I love the first one! It's a classic! Complete with Netscape Navigator!

Yeah, I think what the first one has going in it's favor is it's got a unique feel/style to it vs the rest as it feels more true MI where as the rest of the series has a more action oriented feel. but I pretty much credit the director (Brain De Palma) of MI (1996) for why it's like that.

but like I was saying... overall, with MI series, as you can see in my previous comment, it's too close to call for me between the 1st and the 5th and 6th movies of the series as they are all tied, so any one of those three can interchange between 1st-3rd.

anyways, like I always say in general... it's not about coming up with something new, but taking a idea that's already been done and doing it well. I think the MI series does what it does quite well (i.e. big budget action done well) as there are not many movie series with 4-5 movies or more that stand out (as in good enough (with say at least 4-ish movies of a series that stand out etc) to be among my favorite movies in general) as I would say James Bond and Mission Impossible series would be the cream-of-the-crop of movie series with 4-5 movies or more even though there are some others I like (i.e. Terminator/Fast & Furious etc).

but comparing James Bond vs Mission Impossible... currently, while it's close, I would favor James Bond overall (as upper-tier movies are a bit better overall (basically movies I score a 8/10 or above James Bond tops MI for me currently as both have three each but Bond has one 9/10 as the other five between both series are a 8/10) and goes a bit deeper before quality drops below a certain standard (i.e. currently, Bond has 6-8 movies where as MI has 5)) but depending on how the next two MI movies play out (i.e. the one in the topic and 'Part Two' of it) it 'might' overtake James Bond for me overall even though my single favorite movie of either series will likely remain in favor of James Bond (i.e. Skyfall(2012)) in my estimations.

or I could put it like this... if the MI movie in this topic and the next one both score a 8/10 from me, that would be enough for it to pull ahead of James Bond for me overall. but say I they are two 7/10's (which I would estimate is probably a worst case scenario for them) it would be close, but I would probably give the edge to Bond overall. I guess it could be possible for say one to be a 8/10 and the other be a 7/10, but my best guess is it will be either both 8's or both 7's (but given recent score history of MI for me, two 8's is plausible and if that happens, it would be enough for MI to overtake James Bond for me overall).

plus, even if MI ends up overtaking Bond after the next two MI movies for me overall... there is always future Bond movies coming which could push it back on top etc. but I do think given the history of Bond it's more sporadic in quality vs MI. so "if" I judged 'Bond vs MI' strictly by 'average movie quality' (like more on a math type of scale) over the ENTIRE series, MI would clearly take the lead, but I don't judge it this way as it's more accurate to judge it by the ones that stand out the most to be among my favorites in general etc, and in this regard, Bond is currently ahead, but may not be for much longer ;)

p.s. if your still reading, congrats.

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On 21/05/2023 at 14:58, George P said:

The only weak ones are 2 and 3, those were just pure action flicks with nothing much to them.  

The music for 2 was great (or at least, I remember it being great...it's been a while since I watched it). And 3's selling point was Philip Seymour Hoffman and the scene where he's got Tom Cruise tied to the chair. I could feel the sense of helplessness when that happened.

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On 22/05/2023 at 02:49, Nick H. said:

The music for 2 was great (or at least, I remember it being great...it's been a while since I watched it). And 3's selling point was Philip Seymour Hoffman and the scene where he's got Tom Cruise tied to the chair. I could feel the sense of helplessness when that happened.

Yeah, Hoffman nailed that scene in 3.

I also like the one Brad Bird directed, ghost protocol I believe...  the action scenes felt visceral and were done really well.

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On 22/05/2023 at 19:14, Zathras5 said:

Yeah, Hoffman nailed that scene in 3.

I also like the one Brad Bird directed, ghost protocol I believe...  the action scenes felt visceral and were done really well.

Ghost Protocal is the 4th, I like it as well.  Only knock I'd say is that they might have had too much humor into it instead of keeping it more serious with how high the stakes seem to always be.

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