Is there a way to make GPS more reliable?

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My brother showed me his iPhone system, where his son has an iPhone in "kids mode" or whatever it is, that allows my brother to track where he is but also approve purchases and even other downloads.

It seems to be a pretty instant thing.


We're in the Android system (and almost don't plan on moving / re-purchasing apps).

I use Google Maps to check where my wife is / she can check where I am... not from a stalking point of view but safety as if I stay late at work, she can see where I am.

However I find it only seems to work half the time.  A lot of the time it claims she is offline, or refreshing it puts her in a location I know she isn't.


Downloaded the Microsoft Family Safety app (I'm in their eco system for emails, calendars and such) but that is even worse, which is a big shame.


Is there any other app I should consider?

Or is there something I can do to help a bit more? (we both have location on all the time so surely it should work properly?).

On 17/09/2022 at 09:30, Sensi said:

Sounds a little sus to me 

That's because the world has made you that way.

I want to be able to be tracked by my wife because if I am late home (by a few hours), she can see if I have had an accident on the way or if I am still at work.

Google / Facebook no.  Family = hell yeah!

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