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how to redirect to an url


My code is to look up a record in a database and go to a target(http://  whatever-is-selected  .com).
You see the target field in the $fetch statement. The option, menu, selection, row display work fine
but noone seems to know the correct method to relocate to the url. This is offline for personal use.


<!DOCTYPE><html><head><title>email menu</title></head>
<form name="form" method="post" action="">
//============== check connection
{echo "Can't Connect to mySQL:".mysqli_connect_error(); exit; }
{echo "Connected to mySQL</br>";}
//This creates the drop down box
echo "<select name= 'target'>";
echo '<option value="">'.'--- Select lookup account---'.'</option>';
$query = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT target FROM emailtbl");
$query_display = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM emailtbl");
{echo "<option value='". $row['target']."'>".$row['target']
echo '</select>';

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>
$name = $_POST['target'];
$fetch="SELECT id, target, called, username, password, purpose, emailused,lastused, count FROM emailtbl WHERE target = '".$name."'";
$result = mysqli_query($con,$fetch);
{echo "Error:".(mysqli_error($con));}
//display the table
echo '<table border="1">'.'<tr>'.'<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'. 'lookup menu'. '</td>'.'</tr>';
echo '<tr>'.'<td>'.'<table border="1">'.'<tr>'.'
<td bgcolor="#CFB53B align="center">'.'id'.'</td>'.'
<td bgcolor="#CFB53B align="center">'.'target'.'</td>'.'
<td bgcolor="#CFB53B align="center">'.'called'.'</td>'.'
<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'.'username'.'</td>'.'
<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'.'password'.'</td>'.'
<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'.'purpose'. '</td>'.'
<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'.'emailused'.'</td>'.'
<td bgcolor="#CFB53B align="center">'.'lastused'.'</td>'.'
<td bgcolor="#CFB53B align="center">'.'count'. '</td>'.'</tr>';
{echo ("<tr><td>$data[0]</td><td>$data[1]</td><td>$data[2]</td><td>$data[3]</td>
echo '</table>'.'</td>'.'</tr>'.'</table>';
$sql = "UPDATE emailtbl SET lastused=NOW(), count=$count + 1 WHERE id=$id";
if ($con->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo "Record updated successfully"; }
else { echo "Error updating record: " . $con->error; }
<button onclick="myFunction('<?php echo $target;?>')">go to url</button>










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POST the URL back to itself, and then use an isset command to issue a location header


some pseudo code for you


put this at the top of your PHP code. so it gets executed first


if (isset($_POST['url'])) {
	die(); // shouldnt be necessary, but safe code is good code


Sorry I dont have time right now to be more specific in the code, but this should help you

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<button onclick="myFunction('<?php echo $target;?>')">go to url</button>

You'll need to change your code, looks like your trying to use JavaScript here, change this to a postable form like you did for the submit and use the method posted by @Mud W1ggle

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