Microsoft Security Update CD Avaliable For Order!

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The autopatcher CD is 10.00 if you live in the United States, but you can go to their site and find the updates and stuff and download them for free

Here is the link

Auto Patcher Website

Yeah, would have been nice to make my CD's free... but, well... I don't have the extra money that Microsoft has laying around. :/

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Yeah, would have been nice to make my CD's free... but, well... I don't have the extra money that Microsoft has laying around. :/

Don't we all wish we had the money that microsoft had. :p

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Those lame regional Microsoft subsidaries, I am more than sure they will charge for those CDs when they come out internationally, they charged me like US$20 for a Trial version CD (AND shipping not included)

US is the country where everybody get the freebies :(

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Yeah, would have been nice to make my CD's free... but, well... I don't have the extra money that Microsoft has laying around. :/

Well the purpose for those 2 CDs are quite different really, your AutoPatcher is for power users who want patches AND tweaks (which was included with AutoPatcher)

But for the Windows Security Update CDs, they're for all the other computer users (especially the ones with dial up connections) who never update their copy of OS and antivirus software, to get to know what security is and why it's important to keep your PC secure.

So I don't think the two CDs are compariable, imagine giving out the CDs that make changes to the users OS (tweaks) that they can never revert back if they don't work or they simply don't like, that would more be like an annoyance to those users... (But a good way on earning huge $$ on support calls :p )

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