can you under clock a PSU or will it de safe for my device to give is a corsair CX650M

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here's my specs (it has 8GB RN Cuse the 16 was casing power issues)

AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics            3.90 GHz

16GB RAM (agene downgraded to the old RAM do to stability symptom of not sufficient power)

got it from HP big mistake wen they say "gaming" they mean trash good components bad creator what type of pc for gaming has 8GB from settings 8.00 GB (7.34 GB usable)

so any advice the PSU is small I don't know if they under clocked anything "VR reedy im suspicious that that's not true that too"


components part 2.png

Edited by famer999
adding some info
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There's no such thing as underclocking a power supply and the amount of RAM you have should make absolutely no difference. RAM uses a negligible amount of power and you shouldn't be having any power issues with a new computer. What exactly is the problem you are having? If it was unstable with the 16GB one of the sticks may have been bad.

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Oh, is that what he meant by underclocking it? Yeah, it doesn't matter how big your power supply is, your system will only draw what it requires. I'm just not sure that a bigger power supply is the answer to whatever his problem is. Sounds like stability issues, that could be caused by any number of things.

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I have a feeling OP has a bad stick of RAM causing stability issues, and thus OP is blaming the PSU. If the computer is under warranty, contact HP/manufacturer. If you built it yourself, return the RAM. If none of those, buy a replacement set of RAM 

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Put that other RAM module back in.

Test both modules. You may need to let the test run overnight as it can take a long time.

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On 08/12/2022 at 04:25, Rigby said:

There's no such thing as underclocking a power supply and the amount of RAM you have should make absolutely no difference. RAM uses a negligible amount of power and you shouldn't be having any power issues with a new computer. What exactly is the problem you are having? If it was unstable with the 16GB one of the sticks may have been bad.

so its 2 8GB and my pc restarts its self  of its own accord 

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  • Brandon H changed the title to can you under clock a PSU or will it de safe for my device to give is a corsair CX650M
On 08/12/2022 at 14:53, famer999 said:

it wont say on that long with the other RAM

Bing Bing! RMA it or get new RAM!

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On 09/12/2022 at 14:41, famer999 said:

Ima swap out the ram for new ones ill let you know if that works

Yep, let us know!

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To answer the question about the power supply, you cannot underclock one, as @Rigby and @Jim K noted, as they will only provide the amount of electricity drawn by the components they are attached to, up to their rating.  What you can do, though, is install a higher wattage power supply than your components require at maximum draw. 

Say that all of the components in a PC build require a maximum of 500 watts of power, one could then go and install a a power supply that is capable of providing more than 500 watts, on the basis that a power supply engineered to provide more watts at its maximum output rating will be operating its internal components below their maximum tolerances and thus will last longer.  This is called derating, and is often done when engineering aerospace, industrial, military and other types of electronics where reliability is a factor.

Whether or not that makes sense for consumer electronics is up to the buyer, though, as it will increase the cost of the system and the tradeoff may be negligible unless they are leaving their computer powered up for long periods running at or near full electrical load.


Aryeh Goretsky


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soo replacing the ram worked and does anyone know why RAM prices are dropping? like its not un noticeable DDR4 3200 2 8GB sticks normal price 114.99 on sale for 49.99 or less at this point and its a name brand too its G.skill so anyone know what's happening? 

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On 12/12/2022 at 01:33, famer999 said:

soo replacing the ram worked and does anyone know why RAM prices are dropping? like its not un noticeable DDR4 3200 2 8GB sticks normal price 114.99 on sale for 49.99 or less at this point and its a name brand too its G.skill so anyone know what's happening? 

RAM GPU, almost everything is dropping in prices. That's because manufacturers overproduced during the pandemic to compensate for the increased demand from WFH scenarios and mining boom in 2019-20.

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On 12/12/2022 at 01:33, famer999 said:

soo replacing the ram worked and does anyone know why RAM prices are dropping? like its not un noticeable DDR4 3200 2 8GB sticks normal price 114.99 on sale for 49.99 or less at this point and its a name brand too its G.skill so anyone know what's happening? 

also btw glad your issue is fixed :)

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