Putting a Windows 10/11 computer to sleep over the network using SSH.

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With the help of Chat GPT and my own troubleshooting of the code .. I now have an app for that written in python!

Works great! Woot!





here is the code if anyone else wants it. You just have to enter the SSH IP / username and password as well as the wake on lan IP and mac address .Just keep the " " around the info.

import tkinter as tk
import paramiko
import socket
import binascii
import threading

# Specify the computer name here
computer_name = "Computer Name"

def ssh_connect():
    def ssh_worker():
        host = "IP address"
        port = 22  # SSH port (e.g., 22)
        username = "Username"
        password = "Password"

            # Create an SSH client instance
            ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()

            # Connect to the SSH server
            ssh.connect(host, port, username, password)

            # Execute a custom command on the remote machine
            command = "RUNDLL32.EXE powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState"  # Replace with your desired command
            stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
            # Show an SSH command execution success message on the GUI
            update_success_message("SSH command sent successfully")

            # Handle the result as needed
            result = stdout.read().decode()

            # Close the SSH connection when you're done

            print("SSH command result:")

        except paramiko.AuthenticationException:
            # Show an error message on the GUI
            update_error_message("Authentication failed")
        except paramiko.SSHException as e:
            # Show an error message on the GUI
            update_error_message(f"SSH connection failed: {e}")
        except Exception as e:
            # Show a generic error message on the GUI
            update_error_message(f"An error occurred: {e}")

    # Create and start a separate thread for SSH operations
    ssh_thread = threading.Thread(target=ssh_worker)

def wake_on_lan():
    def wol_worker():
        mac_address = "MAC Address"  # Replace with your target MAC address
        broadcast_address = "IP Address"  # Replace with your network's broadcast address
        port = 9  # WoL port (default is 9)

            # Create a socket to send the WoL magic packet
            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
            s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)

            # Prepare the WoL magic packet
            mac_bytes = mac_address.replace(":", "").replace("-", "")
            if len(mac_bytes) != 12:
                # Show an error message on the GUI
                update_error_message("Invalid MAC address for WoL")

            magic_packet = b'FF' * 6 + (mac_bytes * 16).encode()

            # Send the WoL magic packet
            s.sendto(binascii.unhexlify(magic_packet), (broadcast_address, port))

            # Show a WoL packet sent success message on the GUI
            update_success_message("WoL packet sent successfully")

        except socket.error as e:
            # Show an error message on the GUI
            update_error_message(f"Error sending WoL packet: {e}")

    # Create and start a separate thread for WoL operation
    wol_thread = threading.Thread(target=wol_worker)

# Create the main application window
app = tk.Tk()
app.title("SSH Command Executor and WoL")

# Create a label with the specified computer name in big, bold letters
computer_name_label = tk.Label(app, text=computer_name, font=("Helvetica", 20, "bold"))

# Create a label to display success messages
success_label = tk.Label(app, text="", font=("Helvetica", 14))

# Create a label to display error messages in red
error_label = tk.Label(app, text="", font=("Helvetica", 14), fg="red")

# Function to update the success message on the GUI
def update_success_message(message):
    app.after(5000, lambda: success_label.config(text=""))

# Function to update the error message on the GUI
def update_error_message(message):
    app.after(5000, lambda: error_label.config(text=""))

# Create buttons
execute_button = tk.Button(app, text="Put to Sleep", command=ssh_connect)

sleep_button = tk.Button(app, text="Wakeup", command=wake_on_lan)

# Start the GUI application

Then used pyinstall to compile it to an exe


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On 23/09/2023 at 02:14, binaryzero said:

You should probably learn PoweShell…

Dunno, i'm having a BLAST making these apps. It's addicting.

If anything i'd like to learn Python.

Should try and port it to other languages :).

ChatGPT is actually really powerful in assisting in programing though I'll give it that.

@WarwagonI would ignore @binaryzeroand his comment. You started with a .bat file, you branched out to make an application that uses Python. If it works for you, it works. I appreciate that you shared your experience so that others can use what you learned along the way if they want to do a similar thing.

On 23/09/2023 at 12:56, Nick H. said:

@WarwagonI would ignore @binaryzeroand his comment. You started with a .bat file, you branched out to make an application that uses Python. If it works for you, it works. I appreciate that you shared your experience so that others can use what you learned along the way if they want to do a similar thing.

There isn’t really anything wrong with his comment. PowerShell is ideal for this stuff and is built into Windows.  To each their own of course. 

On 23/09/2023 at 21:13, adrynalyne said:

There isn’t really anything wrong with his comment. PowerShell is ideal for this stuff and is built into Windows. 

I agree, nothing wrong with going through Powershell. But he brought it up back in February, we (binaryzero and myself) provided links to do it via Powershell. Warwagon went with Python, and it works.

Rehashing the same comment from several months ago just seems a bit useless, and not productive.

On 23/09/2023 at 13:17, Nick H. said:

I agree, nothing wrong with going through Powershell. But he brought it up back in February, we (binaryzero and myself) provided links to do it via Powershell. Warwagon went with Python, and it works.

Rehashing the same comment from several months ago just seems a bit useless, and not productive.

Gotcha. I didn’t check the date. 

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