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Adams, who is white, repeatedly referred to people who are Black as members of a “hate group” or a “racist hate group” and said he would no longer “help Black Americans.”

"Based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people," Adams said on his Wednesday show.

Yes... we have "freedom of speech" in America... so he is absolutely allowed to say these things.

But that doesn't mean he has "freedom from consequences"

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Interesting. His book on self improvement is great and I really thought this might sound like woke ###### but actual words totally sound  as racist as the people originally fought against by black rights group.


Everyone is racist at least a tiny bit I think - it is natural to prefer people most similar to you - but Hate group he used to refer to all blacks (correct me if I am wrong) is just making him look like a hater.


every color, race and nation has all kind of individuals - and generalizing like that sounds bad to me

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News companies sensationalise and virtue signal for clicks, and the word racist has lost its meaning.

Does anyone have the original clip?  Conveniently AP doesn’t include that for people to come to their own conclusion. 

Edited by Argi
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On 25/02/2023 at 23:39, E.Worm Jimmy said:

Everyone is racist at least a tiny bit I think - it is natural to prefer people most similar to you 

I don't think that's a fair comment... I'd agree that everyone is probably a little bit prejudiced, but that doesn't equate to racist.  I have my prejudices but they're against specific people based on things they do NOT based on any physical characteristic...

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On 25/02/2023 at 20:53, FloatingFatMan said:

I don't think that's a fair comment... I'd agree that everyone is probably a little bit prejudiced, but that doesn't equate to racist.  I have my prejudices but they're against specific people based on things they do NOT based on any physical characteristic...

And this is not what I was taking about at all. Instinctive is felt before you get to talk them and get upset. Just looking different sends warning signs.


but obviously you don’t have to react to those signs at all. Only because you know better.


on animal level humans trust other humans that look similar and outsiders are to be treated with much caution, for the sake of the tribe!


instinctively this is still something we have as we also started with tribes, which in animal world is a pack - just like other pack animals and, while we obviously know better , we are programmed like that.

I hope you get my point better now.

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On 26/02/2023 at 03:40, E.Worm Jimmy said:

And this is not what I was taking about at all. Instinctive is felt before you get to talk them and get upset. Just looking different sends warning signs.


but obviously you don’t have to react to those signs at all. Only because you know better.


on animal level humans trust other humans that look similar and outsiders are to be treated with much caution, for the sake of the tribe!


instinctively this is still something we have as we also started with tribes, which in animal world is a pack - just like other pack animals and, while we obviously know better , we are programmed like that.

I hope you get my point better now.

I like to think we've evolved a bit beyond that kind of thing by now.


I like to think that... But then I log on to the internet... :p


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Just to make a comment in general... many people (especially the left towards those on the right (this might not be always true but I think is generally true)) are awfully quick to ruin others for just simply disagreeing with them lately. but I think it plays inline with what Dan Bongino basically said (if this is not a exact quote it's very close as I heard him say similar before in the past), "Conservatives think liberals are people with bad ideas; liberals think conservatives are bad people with ideas.". which is a big difference.

to go out of ones way to ruin someone (like so they can't support their family etc), the person would REALLY have to mess up, not just say suspect stuff (as actions speak louder than words as I am not a fan of ruining someone for saying stuff even though I realize some stuff people say just about everyone will frown on). but they don't care as they destroy someone and then move onto the next as some people just look around trying to take others out for the smallest slip up, or I should say smallest perceived slip up. these kinds of people are always destroying instead of trying to build things up. these kinds of people tend to be worse than most people in general. plus, like I always say, no one is perfect (we are all sinners on some level) as if you ruin someone for the smallest slip up, then you might as well cancel everyone.

hell, nowadays I think someone can simply accuse someone of something, regardless of whether it's true or not, and at least somewhat ruin them (or get them fired from their job etc) without proof. it's like the "innocent until proven guilty" no longer applies, sadly, at least in some cases.

but sadly, the world is becoming more corrupt. so this kind of stuff is only going to get worse before it gets better. but personally I think a good portion of it is that society as a whole is getting further and further away from time-proven Christian moral principles/values (basically many (typically on the left) reject Jesus Christ when you bottom line things). but I realize the world will never be perfect regardless, but I do think that's a definite factor as I think society as a whole is becoming more cold/corrupt/selfish etc which tends to happen when the USA (and general world for that matter) is getting further away from Christian moral standards that have been central in this country for a long time. I think this at least partially why their is so much division in politics right now as the left is pretty much embracing the culture of death (they fight tooth-and-nail so mothers have the "right" to kill their own child in their own womb, which is a clear cut intrinsically evil act) where as the right is mostly sticking with traditional Christian moral values etc. even Elon Musk pretty much summed it up with the picture he posted a while ago on his Twitter in that the left is going too far left and begins to see others as 'extremists' when it's really them etc. like a bit more specifically in the picture he posted... about 15-20 years ago Elon would have been considered a liberal (like a bit left of center), but nowadays he looks like he's a conservative given how far the left has moved center towards the left while the right has pretty much stayed the same.

p.s. but since people mentioned black people, I will say this in regards to black people (which the mainstream media will obviously ignore because it goes against their narrative)... they tend to be more apt to violent crime in general when you look at statistics as they only make up a small percentage of the general US population but make up about half (if not more) of violent crimes (i.e. https://www.amren.com/news/2020/09/fbi-blacks-made-up-55-9-of-known-murder-offenders-in-2019/ etc). that speaks volumes. but it's not surprising... as in my state when you hear about someone getting shot it's generally blacks doing the shooting (not always, but in general it's true when you just look at what you see on news year after year). so naturally, it's not surprising many average/middle-class people (whites or otherwise) stay away from areas where black population is high purely for safety sake since those are the areas typically overrun with the most violent crime. but I am sure some crazy liberal will get triggered and try to claim what I said is "racist" or some other BS, but I prefer to acknowledge reality (for the record... in general I treat everyone with a basic level of respect unless they do something to screw that up as this should be a standard baseline for everyone). but as the saying goes, "To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth".

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On 26/02/2023 at 01:53, FloatingFatMan said:

I'd agree that everyone is probably a little bit prejudiced

Absolutely correct.  100% agree that every sentient creature has a wariness of anything different... until it overcomes that.  We are supposedly one of the more evolved creatures on this planet, and as such we have the ability to extend beyond "different, so fear it" instincts - it's part of what got us to where we are today!

We also have every right to speak our minds, but to do so in a public forum, with an open audience, in such a way that will quite obviously stir hate - you have to own that!

I used to tell "racist jokes" under the guise of "mocking racism" because "come on, you're clever enough to see where the issue is - I'm knocking the knuckle dragging racists - obviously".  But I don't anymore... because unfortunately I don't always know my audience, and it doesn't always come across as intended.  Not that I fear any kind of "cancellation" nonsense, but because I don't want these idiots to feel I am an ally in their racism and support their agenda.

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On 26/02/2023 at 12:23, Dick Montage said:

I used to tell "racist jokes" under the guise of "mocking racism" because "come on, you're clever enough to see where the issue is - I'm knocking the knuckle dragging racists - obviously".  But I don't anymore... because unfortunately I don't always know my audience, and it doesn't always come across as intended.  Not that I fear any kind of "cancellation" nonsense, but because I don't want these idiots to feel I am an ally in their racism and support their agenda.

Back in the 80's/90's, there was a VERY popular comedian in the UK called Jim Davidson.  He was much beloved by most of the nation despite some of his controversial "characters".  One of them was a parody of a slightly dumb Jamaican chap called Chalky White.  As time went on, people began to target Jim more and more over this character and labelling him as a racist PoS.  Very few actually understood the whole point of the character, and hardly anyone ever noticed that in EVERY SINGLE STORY involving "Chalky", he ALWAYS came out on top.  Always.

Jim is still around, but he no longer does that character.  Times have changed and he recognizes it's no longer appropriate so he retired Chalky many years ago. He's even apologised MANY times for the character despite him actually being a positive character designed to ridicule racism and the stupidity of anyone who judges another based on their differences, and yet to this very day, there are STILL a lot of folks who call Jim a racist  and try to "cancel" him...

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On 26/02/2023 at 09:07, ThaCrip said:

but sadly, the world is becoming more corrupt. so this kind of stuff is only going to get worse before it gets better. but personally I think a good portion of it is that society as a whole is getting further and further away from time-proven Christian moral principles/values (basically many (typically on the left) reject Jesus Christ when you bottom line things). but I realize the world will never be perfect regardless, but I do think that's a definite factor as I think society as a whole is becoming more cold/corrupt/selfish etc which tends to happen when the USA (and general world for that matter) is getting further away from Christian moral standards that have been central in this country for a long time. I think this at least partially why their is so much division in politics right now as the left is pretty much embracing the culture of death (they fight tooth-and-nail so mothers have the "right" to kill their own child in their own womb, which is a clear cut intrinsically evil act) where as the right is mostly sticking with traditional Christian moral values etc. even Elon Musk pretty much summed it up with the picture he posted a while ago on his Twitter in that the left is going too far left and begins to see others as 'extremists' when it's really them etc. like a bit more specifically in the picture he posted... about 15-20 years ago Elon would have been considered a liberal (like a bit left of center), but nowadays he looks like he's a conservative given how far the left has moved center towards the left while the right has pretty much stayed the same

Oh hush up with that religious twaddle. I don't need to believe in the invisible sky daddy to be a good person, and I take extreme offence to anyone even suggesting I'm evil for being atheist.  *I* don't judge people based on what book they bow down too, or who they love, or where they grew up. If we all lived by Christian "moral standards", we'd still be in the dark ages, we'd still own slaves, women wouldn't have any rights, ANYONE questioning the church would be publicly stoned to death and those in power would be diddling small boys even more rampantly than they already are...

As for Elon Musk, anyone idolizing that piece of trash needs to re-evaluate their lives.  He is not your friend, he doesn't not speak for you, and he does not have your best interests at heart.


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I have pretty much come to the conclusion that all the people yelling I've been "cancelled" are people who just don't think that their actions should have any consequences. And they absolutely hate that people have the freedom to ignore them.

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On 26/02/2023 at 14:35, FloatingFatMan said:

Back in the 80's/90's, there was a VERY popular comedian in the UK called Jim Davidson.  He was much beloved by most of the nation despite some of his controversial "characters".  One of them was a parody of a slightly dumb Jamaican chap called Chalky White.  As time went on, people began to target Jim more and more over this character and labelling him as a racist PoS.  Very few actually understood the whole point of the character, and hardly anyone ever noticed that in EVERY SINGLE STORY involving "Chalky", he ALWAYS came out on top.  Always.

Jim is still around, but he no longer does that character.  Times have changed and he recognizes it's no longer appropriate so he retired Chalky many years ago. He's even apologised MANY times for the character despite him actually being a positive character designed to ridicule racism and the stupidity of anyone who judges another based on their differences, and yet to this very day, there are STILL a lot of folks who call Jim a racist  and try to "cancel" him...

See I agree with you, as we are both intelligent enough to see the joke as it was, Chalky always got the upper-hand, and was not a subject of derision.

The problem is - Jim was a complete homophobic, racist bigot (as well as a complete ###### of a human being, speaking first hand having encountered him a few times outside of showbiz)... which undermines the joke.  Moreover, the joke still perpetuated stereotypes.

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On 26/02/2023 at 10:45, Xenon said:

I have pretty much come to the conclusion that all the people yelling I've been "cancelled" are people who just don't think that their actions should have any consequences. And they absolutely hate that people have the freedom to ignore them.

The people who use the word 'cancelled' in regards to someone being held accountable are in the same boat.

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Scott definitely crossed the line and there's no excuse for things he said, even though much of it was sarcasm. 

Are we just going to ignore the topic that he was speaking about though?  This racial double standard that the US media is fueling should be extremely troubling to everybody...


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On 27/02/2023 at 16:01, Astra.Xtreme said:

Scott definitely crossed the line and there's no excuse for things he said, even though much of it was sarcasm. 

Are we just going to ignore the topic that he was speaking about though?  This racial double standard that the US media is fueling should be extremely troubling to everybody...


I have a problem with the things Scott said, I have a problem with the media double standards that not ONLY the US media are guilty of, but I have a BIGGER problem with people's entire livelihoods being utterly destroyed just because they said something wrong.

This is the kind of thing that only gets solved by education, not the childish and vindictive destruction of someone's life just because they say something distasteful. All Scott will learn from this is more hate.

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On 28/02/2023 at 14:20, FloatingFatMan said:

I have a problem with the things Scott said, I have a problem with the media double standards that not ONLY the US media are guilty of, but I have a BIGGER problem with people's entire livelihoods being utterly destroyed just because they said something wrong.

This is the kind of thing that only gets solved by education, not the childish and vindictive destruction of someone's life just because they say something distasteful. All Scott will learn from this is more hate.

Isn't it funny how the media decides a person is cancelled after decades of service to the industry, but a politician can get away with the same sort of thing repeatedly, even being elected as President.

I mean this thing is not the same as Harvey Weinstein, and he went to court over his as well.

Although I absolutely do not condone what Scott said, but people say stupid shit all the time, I don't have to love or even like Scott to enjoy or appreciate Dilbert. There are certain celebrities who are vocal about their political support (which makes me think less of them) but I don't stop seeing their films or listen to their music. Tom Cruise, for example, is in a cult, but I really enjoy his films and acting. Maybe that makes me an enabler?


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On 28/02/2023 at 11:55, Steven P. said:

Isn't it funny how the media decides a person is cancelled after decades of service to the industry, but a politician can get away with the same sort of thing repeatedly, even being elected as President.

I mean this thing is not the same as Harvey Weinstein, and he went to court over his as well.

Although I absolutely do not condone what Scott said, but people say stupid ###### all the time, I don't have to love or even like Scott to enjoy or appreciate Dilbert. There are certain celebrities who are vocal about their political support (which makes me think less of them) but I don't stop seeing their films or listen to their music. Tom Cruise, for example, is in a cult, but I really enjoy his films and acting. Maybe that makes me an enabler?


I agree with you. If we sat around looking into each and every person's opinion on things, we'd have no friends or family members. It's this same mentality that's turned people so vicious against one another for that matter, as you watch those same people having cut ties with friends or family over difference of beliefs. It's a wonder how we as a society can get anywhere, if we can't bother tolerating someone else's beliefs.

It's also weird the way the media or social media even can pick and choose when to apply those rules against one, but ignore them for another. There's zero consistency with all of it, and then you have the people who portray themselves as some sort of social activist... calling out Dave Chapelle or Kanye West, only to later watch or listen to the shows/music.

It would seem to me that a lot of people seem to go along with the hate train publicly, but privately? They probably don't care as much. I mean, I didn't care what an artist like Kanye said before, why would I now? Let alone the hundreds of other drug-addicts and completely disconnected artists.

I'm probably rambling at this point, but I guess what I'm saying is, you don't have to like the things people say or do... but pretending to be some sort of social activist and boycotting them is about as tired as you can get. I have enough to worry about with things that directly impact me like the economy or whether I want to be digesting xanthan gum... :p

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On 01/03/2023 at 06:00, dead.cell said:

t's also weird the way the media or social media even can pick and choose when to apply those rules against one, but ignore them for another. There's zero consistency with all of it

Consistency? That ship has sailed. 

When you have a system where a few multinational corporations take over pretty much all of the main media outlets then you have a media landscape that is run for one reason only...profit. 

Also, good news doesn't sell newspapers as they used to say. These profit driven media giants deliberately seed conflict amongst their readers/viewers and they will continue to do so and most of the public quite honestly don't appear to care.

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The very people who attempted to violently overthrow the legally elected President are now in senior positions of power in the Republican Party.

The man who encouraged the attempted violent coup is the front runner leading into the election.

Members of The Supreme Court openly mislead/lied to The Senate under the same wannabe Dictator in Trump.

The leading cable network is currently being exposed in their profit driven support of the attempted violent coup.

I have one comment to make on this Dilbert case...Nero fiddles while Rome burns!

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