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On Sharepoint 365 I would like to move folders and files between different libraries.
I know each file/folder has their unique string/canonical reference.

I tested some files and folders to move these between libraries and it seems OK. The only thing I notices was the string after '?' has been changed; e.g. <...>fsjlfslkl?=gheri and <...>fsjlfslkl?=qwdkf 
So I guess that each location has their own set of canonical references [kind of like a hard redirect 301 Moved Permanently, I think].

Is my assumption OK that these files can be moved without issues? And current (hyper)links will remain. So that colleagues don't have the re-order, re-arrange and re-do all their shortcuts?
Or do I need to take something else into account?

IT dept is too busy with (other) queries, so you guys are my help here :D


PS I'm not sure if this is a right thread. Otherwise, please move this to the correct one.

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