Windows 11 Weather Widget is displaying wrong country/information

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On my Windows 11 lock screen the weather widget is displaying information of Taiwan (zh-tw as country).

And the Microsoft News also has all China text/characters.
Btw, I live in the southern part of The Netherlands (Europe).

I guess something is wrong here. I don't use a (Taiwanse) VPN.

What can be the case that the location is displayed wrong?




All Windows versions (thus 3 machines) is set to US-EN, with The Netherlands as locale.

I/we don't use a VPN and I connect via my router-modem via a Dutch ISP (via WiFi) [modem is in bridge mode].

It's kind of strange that 3 different machines - at the end of the day all using the same ISP/main (ISP) internet connection and no VPN - are getting three different Edge/MSN languages/countries whilst Windows is in 'lock' mode.

@Dick MontageI already mentioned in OP " I don't use a (Taiwanse) VPN."

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I am wondering if your internet service provider might have recently acquired an IPv4 block that historically was part of another country's IP space.

If you look up the public IP address for the network interface on each computer in your household (e.g., using or similar), does each one show that they are located in the Netherlands, or at least a nearby country if you are close to a border?


Aryeh Goretsky

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