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SecondLife Game VIewer Little Question


What do you folks think is best to use for the Game Viewer

Offical SecondLife viewer?   or 3rd Party Firestorm Viewer?


Desktop PC is 10700 which is  8 Core, 16 Thread CPU, 32GB of Ram, Geforce 1660 Super Video card (I know Desktop supports it well)

PC 2 Gaming Laptop i'm not so sure on lol,   Intel I7 7700HQ Quad core, 8GB of Ram, 128GB M.2 Boot Drive, 1TB Storage Drive--though i only really use it on PC 2 if PC 1 is busy with a task or emergency use, if PC 1 some reason outta service, but that is rare lately

Reason asking is been battling issue since November 2023 when i get to Sim Change cannot see connecting Road or Next SIm at all.     

Been thru SecondLife support since November

Got replacement Gateway Modem #1 From Comcast so far, still happening

Did Clean Windows 11 Pro Install--did not help any lol

Sometimes i get nights where it runs great for a while, and sometimes it happens about 5-10 minutes after i login, and then i relog and seems to be working normal for a while lol


Issue with SecondLife (Firestorm Viewer).jpg

15 answers to this question

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Well i did ask in there forum a few months ago---Not many replies had to this topic there, so just been dealing with it and using SecondLife as best can these days--hoping eventually something solves it fully.       

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On 03/03/2024 at 03:23, bikeman25 said:

What do you folks think is best to use for the Game Viewer

Offical SecondLife viewer?   or 3rd Party Firestorm Viewer?

This initial question means nothing to me. So there are probably others looking at it wondering the same questions:

  • What is Game Viewer?
  • What is SecondLife viewer?
  • What is Firestorm Viewer?

Here is what I can figure out:

  • SecondLife is an MMO
  • It's online
  • It's under active development

So I have a few questions:

  • SecondLife is online, and still supported. Why bother with a 3rd party option?
  • What does the 3rd party option offer you?
  • In fact, you're asking for a 3rd party option without explaining why you want it. What would a 3rd party option offer that the original does not?

If the official forum can't answer your questions I think you might be buggered, since they would know more about the game than myself or others here. But if you can get back to me on my questions, we might have a starting point to work with.

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Game Viewer enables to see the World in SecondLife  whether you use Offical SecondLife Viewer or 3rd Party Firestorm Viewer  (both are 64bit now)

Previously prior to this problem starting i didn't touch the Offical SecondLife viewer since 2011 for variety of reasons--mainly friends in SecondLife kept mentioning you should be using Firestorm Viewer.    I honestly don't mind either one myself--my Main Desktop totally meets the Requirements

Secondary Gaming Laptop now meets the Minimum Requirements til i eventually replace that with a Windows 11 Compatible Machine sometime in the future.  


3rd Party Viewer doesn't offer too much than the Offical SecondLife VIewer offers that i can see from my own eyes,  really i don't care what viewer honestly i use these days as long as my current issue fully solved at some point.     


Anyhow I've done about all the trouble shooting locally i can think of to attempt to solve this issue, besides replacing Comcast Gateway one more time soon with XB8 Broadcom Based Gateway versus Puma 7 Arris Gateway using now--prior to it updating to 6.3P13 Firmware on November 6th 2023 i had absolutely no issues with SecondLife at all.       ((though am glad its only game i have issues with lately)   


PC wise troubleshooting done

Made Sure the Game files and folders was whitelisted per SecondLife Support Instructions both in Malwarebytes 5 Premium and Windows Defender

Trying to use my USB 2.5Gig Adapter to see if that makes any difference versus built in 1Gig Port

Internet Speed Comcast Gigabit package 1000 Download/20 Upload

Clean Install of SecondLife Offical viewer in early November,  Logs and Screenshots sent to SecondLife support,   Adminstrative login allowed from them to see if was a viewer related issue--they found it worked fine for them

So in the End determined was either Something Local,  Internet Provider related, Firewall Related, and closed the Support Ticket

Then decided well ok Clean Windows 11 Pro Install on Desktop, with everything reinstalled from Scratch, only restored the Backup Game Profiles, otherwise everything was installed Fresh

*Clean Install of Firestorm latest Offical Release after clean install*  I was like i was using this for years, so decided just use that for now--of course issue remains lol, guess i should've clean installed Offical SecondLife Viewer after the Windows 11 Pro Clean Install*  

Unforuately Problem Remained In SecondLife lol

Full Virus and Malwarebytes also done--prior to the Clean Install, and After--Nothing found


I hope this answers the Questions as best i could above  and hopefully me listing all the previous trouble shooting steps is also helpful 


Edited by bikeman25
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Is this some sort of latency problem you are experiencing? 

Have you run a speed test to see if you're getting anywhere close to your rated down/up speed? (this is likely your issue)

It's likely your upload that's bottlenecking the whole thing is parts of the world are not loading, basically clientside your upload is hindering the handshake and acknowledgment.


Do you experience latency on any other game that's heavy on content streaming?


Another way to test if it's your internet connection, hotspot to your phone (be warned if you don't have a 100+GB plan you may chew up your data for the month) and see if you have the same issue.

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So it doesn't matter what this tool is, there is an official tool and a 3rd party tool and they both behave the same way on your computer.

Then, official support ran a test and they say that they cannot recreate the issue that you have.

The only thing I notice is this:


Then decided well ok Clean Windows 11 Pro Install on Desktop, with everything reinstalled from Scratch, only restored the Backup Game Profiles, otherwise everything was installed Fresh

Did you check before restoring the backup profiles?

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Yes i checked before i restored the other game profiles--issue stll happened on Desktop & Gaming Laptop.

Of course on Gaming Laptop i could perform another test--via restoring the Original System Image after the Clean install on that system,  Complete The Windows Updates,  and then Test SecondLife again on that one

(Nero is not installed on Laptop and bunch of other programs isn't either)



All Other Games run fine 

SpeedTests locally test all fine from what i can tell

((but i could test again to SecondLife Recommended SpeedTest area)) 



SpeedTest result to local Comcast server with my USB 2.5Gig Adapter still in use


Phone otherwise has Unlimited Data, but Hotspot portion might be limited to 60GB, i'd have to check on that further


Edited by bikeman25
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Bandwidth Set on Desktop   1000 (not sure if that is right or not though) 

Internet Connection  Comcast 1Gig download/20 Upload using a USB 2.5 Gig Adapter on Desktop 

Bandwidth Set on Gaming Laptop --500 (as its Wireless that PC)   still happens on that one as well, using PC 2 a bit currently

Draw Distance Set to 200M from Previous 128M on last install a while back

Cache was cleared when i clean installed Latest Firestorm Viewer after trying Offical LL Viewer from November 7th til November 23rd when i did my clean install of WIndows 11 Pro On Desktop, and WIndows 10 Home on Gaming Laptop

**This all started after a breakup with a girl, about 4-5 days later November 6th 2023 when I first noticed this issue**,  Submitted Linden Lab support TIcket On November 8, and submitted all the info they requested, screenshots and everything the entire month, determined by them in the end either Internet related, Firewall,  or something else local**

Edited by bikeman25
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On 04/03/2024 at 16:12, bikeman25 said:

Bandwidth Set on Desktop   1000 (not sure if that is right or not though) 

Internet Connection  Comcast 1Gig download/20 Upload using a USB 2.5 Gig Adapter on Desktop 

Bandwidth Set on Gaming Laptop --500 (as its Wireless that PC)   still happens on that one as well, using PC 2 a bit currently

Draw Distance Set to 200M from Previous 128M on last install a while back

Cache was cleared when i clean installed Latest Firestorm Viewer after trying Offical LL Viewer from November 7th til November 23rd when i did my clean install of WIndows 11 Pro On Desktop, and WIndows 10 Home on Gaming Laptop

**This all started after a breakup with a girl, about 4-5 days later November 6th 2023 when I first noticed this issue**,  Submitted Linden Lab support TIcket On November 8, and submitted all the info they requested, screenshots and everything the entire month, determined by them in the end either Internet related, Firewall,  or something else local**

That is a very awkward glitch... I assume your graphics is up to date... is this the only sim/area you have issues at? You said that this was happening on both the official viewer and Firestorm viewer... then it must be something server side..... you said you filed a ticket with LL? I would continue to work with them...


Edited by SfIsHeR1701
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Yes Graphics Driver up to date

(Geforce 1660 Super)  

Not only Sim/Area i have issues at,  drove on Linden Route 8 a bit,  first sim change came across in 5-10 minute time frame,   all water appeared ahead, i know its a very awkward issue and at this point don't know what the true final fix is gonna be.

Even tried my Desktop USB 2.5 Gig ethernet adapter in case was issue with On Board 1Gig Lan Port (No change lol)      


Last Night tested again on Gaming Laptop--issue still occurred even with that PC, used that one til 9pm, then swapped back to Desktop

Believe i tried everything i can possibly think of, short of upgrading  Case,  Motherboard, CPU, Ram,  Video Card (if i could afford one these days lol)  and Comcast Gateway Modem again--who knows it might come to that me saving for a while and doing a whole Desktop PC Refresh for 2024-2025 depending on funds

Somehow, someway it'll be fixed lol, how as yet i don't know, but my prior 15 years of using SecondLIfe i never experienced weird issue like this not once


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On 05/03/2024 at 09:00, bikeman25 said:

Yes Graphics Driver up to date

(Geforce 1660 Super)  

Not only Sim/Area i have issues at,  drove on Linden Route 8 a bit,  first sim change came across in 5-10 minute time frame,   all water appeared ahead, i know its a very awkward issue and at this point don't know what the true final fix is gonna be.

Even tried my Desktop USB 2.5 Gig ethernet adapter in case was issue with On Board 1Gig Lan Port (No change lol)      


Last Night tested again on Gaming Laptop--issue still occurred even with that PC, used that one til 9pm, then swapped back to Desktop

Believe i tried everything i can possibly think of, short of upgrading  Case,  Motherboard, CPU, Ram,  Video Card (if i could afford one these days lol)  and Comcast Gateway Modem again--who knows it might come to that me saving for a while and doing a whole Desktop PC Refresh for 2024-2025 depending on funds

Somehow, someway it'll be fixed lol, how as yet i don't know, but my prior 15 years of using SecondLIfe i never experienced weird issue like this not once


If its doing the same thing on more then one computer, then its definitely server side....


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Well guess it being server side, maybe eventually will be fixed--so i guess i'll hold off on spending a boatload of money, and time trying more expensive fixes lol.   

Guess i also clean installed Operating System & All software on Gaming Laptop in late November 2023 for nothing then

Desktop i did as well at same time , and still didn't solve it like i thought it would've back then


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Funny thing  requested for my 3 year Technology Upgrade via Comcast to get the Latest Gateway Modem

Got an XB8-T  (Technicolor Broadcom based modem) 

and Now SecondLife running flawlessly on Desktop, and Laptop now

a Little nervous still issue gonna return when device gets future Firmware updates, but maybe i'm just paranoid


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