Thinking UxTheme? STOP AND READ.

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Before you continue, please don't misinterpret my bluntness as being "full of myself". I'm not, ask around - This is just me.

I'm sick and tired of the constant spewing of misinformation from message board to message board, therefore I took the time out of my schedule to write this up for all current and future users. Read this before wasting someone's time with your stupid questions.

Common Questions

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

icon11.gif *grumble* Why does Microsoft keep changing the uxtheme.dll?

What are you talking about? This file has undergone very minor alterations. Did you not realize that this file is replaced after the application of a service pack? The signature analysis subroutine that is patched hasn't changed (or changed much) since late Whistler builds.

icon11.gif Why would I use this altered DLL? This compromises overall security!

The subroutine that's patched simply and effectively skips over the theme signature check. Nothing more nothing less. You should be more worried about letting users use your floppy disk drive. If you still feel uncomfortable using the patched file, then don't and shut up. Spare us having to read your babble.

icon11.gif Is there a patch for X? Where do I get it?

You can always find the latest UxTheme patches on my site at (or I do not distribute my patches anywhere else - Mirrors claming such are lying.

icon11.gif Are you the uxtheme vorte[x]?

Yes and no. I am not the originator of the patch however I do patch newer files to keep current. As far as I know, the original patch was rolled out by TGTSoft as a temporary solution at bypassing the signature checking subroutine (I say temporary because they now use kernel mode drivers/etc. to do the patching on-the-fly).

I do, what I do, to continue offering the public with a totally free alternative to their StyleXP product.

icon11.gif Do you test your patches? It doesn't (insert adjective here) work!

You obviously do not know what you're doing and/or didn't install it correctly. I have only screwed up one UxTheme in my life, and I rectified the issue and pulled down the invalid file that same hour. It's unlikely you have a bad patch, trust me.

Installation, the correct way.

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Ok, now that we cleared that up, here's how you PROPERLY install the patched uxtheme.dll in 4 easy steps. Throw away/delete your silly patchers and whatnot as they're too slow to keep up with new releases. You DO NOT need safe-mode for this - Don't be silly.

icon11.gif 1) Remove (delete) the uxtheme.dll files in the following directories in the correct order:

- C:\Windows\ServicePackFiles\i386 (if path doesn't exist, ignore)

- C:\Windows\System32\Dllcache (hidden directory, duh)

icon11.gif 2) Copy the patched uxtheme.dll file into C:\Windows\System32\Dllcache folder.

icon11.gif 3) Rename the uxtheme.dll file in C:\Windows\System32 to uxtheme.original (ignore windows file protection errors)

icon11.gif 4) Copy the patched uxtheme.dll file into C:\Windows\System32 and reboot (ignore windows file protection errors)

An alternative to using the steps above would be to use a simple batch script (put in same dir as patched uxtheme.dll)

@echo off
del /q c:\windows\servicepackfiles\i386\uxtheme.dll
del /q c:\windows\system32\dllcache\uxtheme.dll
echo Allowing WFP to do it's work... (cheap sleep hack)
@chkdsk >nul
copy uxtheme.dll c:\windows\system32\dllcache\uxtheme.dll
ren c:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll c:\windows\system32\uxtheme.original
@shutdown -r -c "Restarting! shutdown -a to abort!" -t 10

Hope that helps clear up some things - I'll add onto this, should the need arise!

Revision 01: Spelling mistake of the word 'compromises'.

Revision 02: Fixed batch (Thanks Liquid)

Revision 03: Added disclaimer to beginning of post

Revision 04: Cleared up batch file usage.

Edited by vortex2050
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... and when it doesn't work, you'll be the first to complain so. Do it the manual way and save yourself troubleshooting any problems down the line. :yes:

what? are you that caught up in yourself? I was simply saying using replacer is much easier than doing it manually. Seriously, get over yourself.

  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't seen any of these so called whiners around, anyone who puts their hand up about a uxtheme question gets in answered quickly and without problems, at least in all that I've seen. I think you're making an issue where there is none.

And really, there's no need for the whole "Oh damn the n00bs of this earth burden me so" tone. I'm not trying to attack you, but your attitude seems unnecessary. Just chill out. :)

Lastly, automatic methods aren't bound for failure. I wouldn't be so quick to disregard them. Autopatcher uses pretty much the identical routine that your batch file uses, all it adds is a useful front-end (and of course all the other functionality/patches and stuff that AutoPatcherXP was made for in the first place).

My 2 cents.

  • 2 weeks later...
I haven't seen any of these so called whiners around, anyone who puts their hand up about a uxtheme question gets in answered quickly and without problems, at least in all that I've seen. I think you're making an issue where there is none.
Sorry, I should've been more specific. I get mails on this daily, hence the reason to post.
And really, there's no need for the whole "Oh damn the n00bs of this earth burden me so" tone. I'm not trying to attack you, but your attitude seems unnecessary. Just chill out. :)

(takes deep breath) - Done. I needed that thanks. :rofl:

Lastly, automatic methods aren't bound for failure. I wouldn't be so quick to disregard them. Autopatcher uses pretty much the identical routine that your batch file uses, all it adds is a useful front-end (and of course all the other functionality/patches and stuff that AutoPatcherXP was made for in the first place).

You're right, however it's easier to troubleshoot a) a manual solution or b) an automatic solution you can fix manually (compiled binaries don't help newbies in the long run)

- vorte[x]

  • 2 weeks later...

this is the second time i'vwe done this, and the same thing happened each time.

i used the manual method, and copied the new uxtheme into system32/dllcache, and then rebooted. but i guess windows didn't copy the file into just windows/system32 from dllcache. when explorer tried to start, it wouldn't cuz it couldn't find uxtheme.dll. i looked in windows/system32, and there wasn't a copy of the uxtheme.dll in there. so i copy it to /system32/ manually, and it worked fine. amybe u shud addthat to the steps, just to make it less of a pain for anyone who can't figure out to do that themselves...

Was just about to post about this, but see bach_m beat has already mentioned it, but actually has first hand experience ...

Surely you would need to also copy the uxtheme.dll to the system32 directory too, or you will get a message similar to what bach_m said with windows complaining about uxtheme.dll not being available and windows not even booting, even into safemode properly.

I personally always do a manual installation of the uxtheme.dll but I do it via safemode and copy it into system32 as well as the other locations.

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