I've been reading your articles through FB feeds for a long while

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I'm a lifelong geek and proud of it. 

I've been into geeky stuff ever since childhood. I got into electronics since before my tween years. Learning the theory back then was tough. We didn't just say "OK Google" because the internet didn't exist, nor did personal computers for that matter. We relied on the Card Catalog and knowing the Dewey Decimal System at our schools library to find our reading material. When we expanded our interests it was back to the card catalog to hunt all over again. 

I'm now 60+ and still plugging away in the fields of Software Development and Hardware design, which I started in 1983. 

Like I've told my wife, when I can no longer go into work and have fun, then is the time to find a new career. 

When I'm not around computers or have test equipment staring me in the face, my wife and I do a lot of non-profit work to better our community by both providing food for those that can't afford to eat and providing food for the soul by teaching these same kids in computer skills and basic programming skills. 

My wife and I also like to travel. Between the two of us we've been almost everywhere that it's been safe to visit in the world. I started my career as an engineer on oil tankers and grain ships so anywhere that had a port I've pretty much been. My wife was in the Peace Corps so she did a lot of her traveling then. Now, out main decisions are deciding where we want to go that we haven't already been. 


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You sound like a stand up guy! Thanks for registering here!

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Thank you sir. 

I try to be. I may not be an exciting guy but I do strive to be humble and happy. Ironically, in my work life I love complications. It adds something that is different from the norm. In my personal life I HATE complications. I just want to happy and content, sans complications, so that is why my life is simple. 

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