[vs] HmmXP

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that winamp skin doesn't really go well with it. it really has nothing in common with its hard looking buttons other than the flag. The colour doesn't match either

true, but until one is custom made for this theme it works for me ;)

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I thought I read somewhere that if you uninstall the Google Toolbar and reinstall it, it looked fine. I can't verify this tho, as I don't use it.

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I thought I read somewhere that if you uninstall the Google Toolbar and reinstall it, it looked fine. I can't verify this tho, as I don't use it.

nope, doesn't work.

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Great work!

I love this thing.

I mentioned this QuickLaunch bug and the Google Toolbar bug too (Whatever..I use Phoenix :D )

But it's true, the Winamp Skin is nice but it does not fit to the VS :/

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I'v been using this theme for awhile now and I LOVE IT. It looks good with so many things. There is just one thing I dont like, I think its a bug, so I'll post a picture of what I mean......

Here it is....Can this be fixed? :wacko:

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Those are the only two bugs that lasted from beta1 up to v1.1 ...

- The Google Toolbar bug, that doesnt appear to show at the author's comp (he uses FireFox maybe ?)

- The Grouped Error Thing .

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very nice theme, actually the only one i'm using at the moment, but i have one question: could someone PLEASE post the Y'z Dock Background available at Designtechnika?

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Those are the only two bugs that lasted from beta1 up to v1.1 ...

- The Google Toolbar bug, that doesnt appear to show at the author's comp (he uses FireFox maybe ?)

- The Grouped Error Thing .

I was using the dotted mini when that happens, so I decided to change it to the blue mini, and its better!

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