[vs] HmmXP

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Those updates are sickass!!! Ive been hooked on this theme for sooooo long !!! Can;t say anough about it ... and these updates look like there gonna put it over the top #1 Badass

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When can we expecting an update??? no pressure.. just asking you know!!! Considering the caliber of this theme.... I AM SURE... that the updates will rip.

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erm, i did this mod for personal use... but what do you think of including a tan color scheme :)


the x is the mouseover.

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@ getetix: Soon.

@ andychrist: I don't think so because there is a limitation in stylebuilder

that make it crash when the style is too big.

And it is a lot of work to update that many substyles. At the moment

there is 9 of them.

Here a SS of the new startpanel hope you like it.


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looks nice, but i'm not sure if it goes with the beige colour of the rest of the vs. that start menu almost looks like it belongs in another theme.

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@Fugacious, it might work if you change the rest of the color of the task bar, and caption bar's..to the same shade of blue. to match the start menu. It might just work.. looks good tho, i like that shade of blue.

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I think it's just a screeny of the Start Menu, which, judging from previous screenys, will prolly go w/ the Watercolor scheme. I could be wrong tho.

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I like it Fugacious, but if I'm honest I think I prefer the start menu which is already in it. It seems to go much better, one of my favourite parts. :)

Just my opinion,


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erm, i did this mod for personal use... but what do you think of including a tan color scheme :)


the x is the mouseover.

maybe you should just ask him for a permission so you can release it as a [MOD] theme... maybe if you are comfortable, do a mod of HmmXP in a slate style, or Jade style.

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Here a SS of the new startpanel hope you like it.

Looks great Fugacious

Will this be that start panel on all the color schemes or just the whistler ones?

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Could someone please upload version 1.5 please? Deviant art gives me a 404 Not Found error and I really need to fix this google toolbar thing.. My friend sent me the version I have.. Thank you.

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