[vs] HmmXP

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hey fug.....i was just wondering if you could add a black style to it....black with the mono buttons....that would be sweet......nice work on the update as well :D

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any progress on the trillian skin? i dont remember it being released so i dont think its complete but the sooner the better! :D

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Great theme, but 1 small problem. I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but the colour's on the start button and the all programs icon are the wrong way around - it's nothing major but it's been really bugging me since I noticed it.

Any plans to fix it?

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The colours are in the wrong places:

yea, the theme sucks if you don't put the damn colors where they go! :rolleyes:

great theme dude.. the new version has stayed with me for weeks now.. (Y)

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I was kinda hoping the taskbar would match the Blue in the Watercolor sub-style. Great work none the less.

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yea, the theme sucks if you don't put the damn colors where they go! :rolleyes:

great theme dude.. the new version has stayed with me for weeks now.. (Y)

Hey, I like the theme - have a look a few posts up. I was just pointing out a very minor detail like others have to help perfect the theme. Like I already said, it's nothing major but it'd be nice if it was corrected.

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Sweet work Lime.

I added a link to it in the first post hope you don't mind.

@plitkindt: You are not the first to find it, and I say like many times before.

It's not that I don't care is just that I don't know how to fix it.

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The colours are in the wrong places:

What makes you think he was trying to make it look like the windows flag? :rolleyes:

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This is bar none my all-time favorite XP theme, thanks! I do have an issue with icon mouseover highlighting on the taskbar though:


It should be highlighting the entire icon. I haven't read through the rest of the thread so this may have been mentioned in the past. The SS above shows the "Codename Whistler" substyle but it does the same on all of them.

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What makes you think he was trying to make it look like the windows flag? :rolleyes:

Well from the colours used it looks like the windows flag to me and probably most of the people on this forum. Why don't we ask Fugacious - is it meant to be the windows flag?

Maybe it isn't meant to be the windows flag - at least I was trying to make a helpful comment. How is yours helpful? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I love the theme and haven't got a problem if the start button is meant to be like that - like I've said already, I noticed a minor detail and thought I'd mention it.

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Not every comment has to be helpfull, i was just trying to point out. That maybe he wasn't trying to make it like the windows flag, maybe he just liked the color combination. Not everything is based on windows, I don't think we should assume what he was trying to make, then correct him by saying "uh the colors are wrong place" or whatever was said. I had no intention of getting anyones backs up either, enjoy your day! :D

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Ok, you obviousley didn't see my original post at the top of page 23 - I didn't just dive in and say that the colours are wrong. No problem, the more themes and avatars I see with that style 'icon', the more I find with the colours this way around. Maybe it's Microsoft thats different :)

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