Y'z Dock Stealing focus from games

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Is there any way to stop the dock from stealing focus and minimizing my games

I run to use a healing potion in diablo 2, minimize, maximize back in, necro is dead and i make a sad face

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Is there any way to stop the dock from stealing focus and minimizing my games

I run to use a healing potion in diablo 2, minimize, maximize back in, necro is dead and i make a sad face

Just close it before you run your game. There are also batch files you can get that will automaticly close it. Ahhh found it...

From DTz

Originally posted by KaosAD ---

Closing the dock and launching a game and restarting the dock:

You could simply do this by assigning the shortcut to a .bat file. Make a text file with the following in it

taskkill /F /IM YzDock.exe

start /wait C:\Games\UT2003\System\UT2003.exe

start C:\Apps\YzDock\YzDock.exe


Then save the file and change the extentsion to .bat.

Do this for each game. It will even work from the dock

This will close the dock, start the game, then when you exit the game it will start the dock and close the prompt window.

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Ha that's great - virtually half of the customizing sections of Neowin and and other customizing boards are devoted to answering that very question. Generally though, Y'z's dock is thought to be the better of the two.

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I was wonderin, is there any difference between Y'z and Stardocks Dock, are they equals?

Your welcome, and y'z dock is my fav out of all the docks as well. :)

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