Goodbye Neowin!

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My homepage has always been whatever my favorite community was at the time. For about a year, that homepage was I was pretty much addicted. I checked the threads I had started religiously as well as those that interested me. I have a lot of memories of Neowin that I will never forget. For example, I remember when kidd0 was banned, unbanned, and later, banned again. I remember his DDoS attacks, and his help getting the site back up after some of those attacks. I also remember his attempts to get me banned. This was all back in the day. Back when I was known as system32. It was a pretty clever name if I do say so myself. That time is over. I am now known as Mike Keen everywhere I go. Well either Mike Keen or MikeKeen, depending on board restrictions. Right about now, you're probably wondering what the point of this thread is. I have a new favorite board now, and am leaving Neowin. I will come back every now and then, of course, to read headlines, check the forums, and say hi. What I am looking for is someone to take over for me. I need someone to take the member name system32 and post with it. If you want the name, send me an email with the reasons you think you should have it.

Edit: Sorry about the double post.

Edited by Mike Keen
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can i have your password please? that way I can get your name banned, and then we'll be rid of you for good! :devil: hehe just kidding ... have fun wherever you may go

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I didnt know that there was a member kidd0 who was banned and unbanned and banned again and then launched a ddos attack on the site, why was he banned?

Anyway bye and I hope you get on well in the new place! Sorry to see ya go but im sure your come back they all do lol.

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