I need first date ideas!

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Hey Guys

  • Well like it said in the title. "I need first date ideas!" Well i meeted this smart , sexy , shy , beautiful young lady 3years ago. I start to be her friend 2years ago. And i just fell in love with her. I mean everything she said, Everything she did, I mean everything. Now i asked her out for Monday. She said :blush: YES :blush:. But only problem is that our date begins at 1:34pm. And ends at 3:00pm. She needs to be home by 3:00pm. Its so little time. I really need good ideas for the date. Wish me luck

korali.gif Korali :blush:


I like these ideas. Lunch sounds good. But i asked her. She said lets not eat. I know why. Shes afraid to mess up. Well i am to. I ask if she wants to go for something to Drink and chill. She said its to boring. Then i said go shoping. She said no . Now im stuck. I live in Brooklyn, NY. There isnt alot of things to do as other places. So little more help guys.

-For the girls and guys

Getting your nails done and talking to a guy. Because she wants to get her nails done. I said i would love to go with her. I might get my nails done too. jk. But you know what i mean

Thats goods / OK? or Really Bad?


My date is 2morrow. Wish me luck! thank you again

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Update *

I will tell you guys what happen. I will post it as "Tk Dates"

Thanks guys

Edited by smartguy
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Movies is a good start, but if you really want to get to know her quick go with miniture golf. It's good cause you get to talk a lot. Also it's even better if she isn't very good at it. Then you can pull the stand behind her and help her with her swing. Touching is always good. Good Luck to you and Congrats.

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I disagree with Jeavis. A movie is not a good first date, simply because it allows minimal interaction. It's a good third date. Lunch is a good idea because you can talk and interact. Make sure to watch for signals during lunch too. A picnic would be very romantic, but would probably be a better second date so you don't seem presumptious.

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*sigh* i am going to say something eally stupid

eXclusive will read the title and come in and say, and i quote:

"f*ck her :devil:"

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dont listen to these guys .. I tell you what girls love to do .. Talk to her about computers/games ..prove her how geeky or nerdy you are. She will be like all over you man !

:p :rofl:

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You say you have become friends....so you must be comfortable around her. Just keep being comfortable and do what you normally would do,,, just hold that eye contact a little longer. It'll work out just fine.

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First of all, dont talk about how l33t you are, and for god sake!!, dont tell her you have that leaked windows code

in your computer

I'd .. no wonder I dont have a girl friend :pinch:

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Plus if you guys can help me in a poem.

something that start our very comfortable but also sexy. Then overall romanite

something that will make her tear :cry: . But be happy to :D

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In my humble opinion, the best way to start off a date is just to be yourself but be confident. Don't sweat over small things, be prepared for any eventualities. Put in some effort to make sure that the date goes as smoothly as possible and when things turn awry, just stay calm and composed. If you're trying to be fancy by overdoing things, it may be nice for the first few dates but sooner or later, she'll know the real you. Which is why I think the best thing to do in a date is to be yourself, most women will appreciate honest guys.

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Plus if you guys can help me in a poem.

something that start our very comfortable but also sexy. Then overall romanite

something that will make her tear :cry: . But be happy to :D

Dunno man... if you ask me, a poem is a bit much for a first date. Possibly a LOT much.

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Woah ..... unless this is a poem for your english class a poem is a very bad idea for a first date (even my girlfriend agreed). It makes you seem to come on too strong, and a little needy.

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I think the best thing to do in a date is to be yourself, most women will appreciate honest guys.

That is the best advise that anyone can give you. :yes:

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First girlfriend I ever had; I took her to the movies for a first date. BAD CHOICE!! we broke up 3 days later - apparently I was to "boring" :rolleyes: (and we were both 13 at the time)

so whatever you do, STAY AWAY FROM THE BIG SCREEN. I'd go for that lunch idea though, I'll have to remember that one.

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